Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ бесплатное чтение

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Дизайнер обложки Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков

© Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков, 2024

© Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков, дизайн обложки, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-9910-2

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero




20 шаблонов письма, задание 37

40 шаблонов эссе, задание 38.1/38.2

20 шаблонов проекта, устная часть, Т4


Все варианты выделены жирным шрифтом, а шаблонные вставки – тонким.

В письме ограничение по количеству слов = 90 – 154 слова (100—140 +/– 10%).

В эссе ограничение по количеству слов = 180 – 275 слов (200—250 +/– 10%).

В «проекте» устной части тексты избыточны и подходят для хорошо подготовленных учеников. Объём текста можно сокращать до 12—15 предложений.


Данный сборник используется при интенсивной подготовке к экзамену, и все письма, эссе и «проекты» в нём являются для ученика домашним заданием. Прочитав письмо друга (37), и ответ на него, эссе (38) и проект (Т4), он должен написать похожий ответ с использованием своей лексики и своих возможностей. После этого ученик обязан прочитать свой вариант педагогу вслух.

Обычно при одном занятии в неделю пишутся два письма, два сочинения и один проект. В результате комбинации мышечной памяти, зрительного восприятия и звукового воспроизведения на слух достигается полноценное запоминание конструкции ответа, после чего на базе этих навыков формируется умение подстановки собственных связок между абзацами или предложениями.


TEST 1. Pastime

From: Ronny_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Pastime

…All my days, including weekends look almost alike. How do you spend your free time? Where do you usually go with your friends? What do your parents think about your friends?

Next week I’m presenting my project in history…

– ask 3 questions about his project.

Dear Ronny,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email you ask me some questions about my pastime and I would like to answer them. To tell the truth, I usually spend my free time mostly at home. I like listening to music and playing online games. If I meet with my friends, we usually go to a local shopping centre and hang out there. Honestly speaking, my parents are cool with my friends and get along well with all of them.

I’m glad to hear about your project in history. I’d like to ask you a few questions about that. How long did it take you to prepare the project? What period of history does your project cover? What is the name of your project?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 140

TEST 2. Shopping

From: Jane_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Shopping

…I went shopping with my parents yesterday. Do you prefer to shop online or in regular stores? Why do you think many people like to spend their weekends in big shopping malls? Do you like to go shopping on your own or with friends, and why?

You know, I celebrated my birthday last week…

– ask 3 questions about her birthday celebration

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about shopping, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I prefer shopping online because it saves time. I think many people like to spend their weekends in big shopping malls since they want to unwind from their daily routine and work. Honestly speaking, I like to go shopping with my friends. We share opinions and have a lot of fun.

I’m glad to hear about your birthday celebration. I’d like to ask you a few questions about that. Were there a lot of people at the party? Was the atmosphere cheerful and joyful? Did you get a lot of gifts?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 134

TEST 3. Trip

From: Max_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Trip

…Last week, it was my sister’s turn to go to the grocery store. For three days, we had nothing to eat but frozen vegetables. Yucky. Who and how often buys food for your family? What kind of food do you usually have at home? What do you think about your local grocery food stores?

Our teacher is planning a school trip to the national park…

– ask 3 questions about the trip.

Dear Max,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about buying food, and I would like to answer them now. You won’t believe it, but it’s my father who buys food for our family, since our mother works late. He also has a knack for cooking mouth-watering meals. To tell the truth, at home we have usual food – vegetable and fruit, meet, rice, potato, tomato. I think our local grocery stores are great because my father buys good vegetables and fruit.

I’m glad to hear about your school trip. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. When are you going to set off for your trip? How long is it supposed to last? Do you expect this trip to be exciting?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 144

TEST 4. Plans for future

From: Jack_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Plans for the future

…I’ve enrolled in a university in Denver. They have a good business school. What do you plan to do after school? By the way, what’s your graduation party going to be like? What are you going to wear?…

My younger sister has started taking swimming lessons…

– ask 3 questions about his sister.

Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about my plans for the future, and I would like to answer them now. You know, I plan to enter a university after school. To tell the truth, we don’t throw individual parties, we have a school prom in the late June. It’ll be fantastic because we are going to spend all the night on the cruise river boat. As far as I’m concerned, I’m going to wear a smart sit and a tie. It’s quite usual.

I’m glad to hear about your younger sister. I’d like to ask you a few questions about her. How old is your younger sister? What’s her name? Does she get along with you?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 138

TEST 5. Cold weather

From: Olivia_mail

To: Russian_friend_oge

Subject: Cold weather

…I know it’s often cold in Russia in winter. What do you usually do not to catch a cold? What is a healthy lifestyle for you? How can you catch up with the class if you do fall ill?

My cousin is coming to stay with us for Thanksgiving…

– ask 3 questions about her cousin.

Dear Olivia,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about cold weather, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I usually put on warm clothes and try to avoid a piercing wind not to catch cold. You won’t believe it, but healthy lifestyle to me is getting regular exercises. I think I can eat any food and movement will burn it. Honestly speaking, I don’t work miracles if I fall ill – I ask my friends for help and do my homework to catch up with them.

I’m glad to hear about your cousin. I’d like to ask you a few questions about her. How old is she? What’s her name? Is she beautiful?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 138

TEST 6. PE lesson

From: dave_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Physical education lesson

…Our PE teacher is super! He lets us play different ball games and sports during the lessons. Do you like your PE classes, and why? What sports and games can you play at school? What after-class activities are most popular in your school?

Last week, my Dad organized a picnic for all our family…

– ask 3 questions about the family picnic.

Dear Dave,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about sports activities and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I like our PE classes because our teacher allows us to play volleyball and basketball. It’s not boring. You know, we can play team games at school as well as table tennis and badminton. Honestly speaking, the most popular after-class activities in my school are chess and draughts, dancing and drawing classes.

I’m glad to hear about your family picnic. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. How long did your picnic last? Where did you have your picnic? Was it joyful and amusing?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 131

TEST 7. Zoo

From: Susan_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Zoo

…Yesterday, I went to the zoo. What are the benefits of zoos in your opinion? Do you think there should be a zoo in every city, and why? Is it better to keep wild animals in natural reserves than in cages, and why?

By the way, I’ve taken a dog from a dog shelter…

– ask 3 questions about the dog.

Dear Susan,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about zoos and I would like to answer them. In my opinion, the benefits of zoos are convenience and helpful information. You can see very many animals from all over the world in one place. I think having a zoo in every city is not reasonable in terms of costs and a number of visitors. Honestly speaking, I believe wild animals should live in natural reserves because there is free environment there.

I’m glad to hear about your dog. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. How did you name it? What breed is it? How big is it?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 131

TEST 8. Winter

From: Molly__mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Winter

…This year we had an incredibly cold winter. What’s the weather normally like in winter in Russia? What do you think about spending winter holidays at a ski resort? What is your favourite season, and why?

I’m reading a very interesting novel about Russia in the 19th century…

– ask 3 questions about the book.

Dear Molly,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about winter, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, the weather in winter in Russia depends on many conditions and places. In the north or in Siberia it is usually cold as hell, while in the south it is warm and mild. Honestly speaking, I think spending winter holidays at a ski resort is fantastic and amazing. I did it several times and never regretted. You know, my favourite season is winter because I have my birthday in February.

I’m glad to hear about the new novel. I’d like to ask you a few questions about that. What is this novel about? What is its name? Who is the novel’s author?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 145

TEST 9. Childhood entertainment

From: Pete@_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Childhood entertainment

…My younger brother makes unbelievable things with his LEGO blocks. What kind of toys did you play with when you were young? What amazes you most in young kids today? How do you and your friends get along with younger brothers and sisters?

I had a wonderful trip to Florida…

– ask 3 questions about his trip.

Dear Pete,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about children, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, when I was young, I played with Lego Friends, too. Honestly speaking, the adult appearance and ability to keep up with the latest trends amaze me most in young kids today. You know, my friends and I get along very well with our younger siblings. We play different board games at home.

I am happy to hear that you had a wonderful trip to Florida. I’d like to ask you a few questions about that. Where did you stay there? What sightseeing did you visit? How long did your trip last?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 134

TEST 10. Harsh weather

From: Mike_mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Hobby

…I’ve got new hobbies – recording birds’ songs and taking pictures of wild life. What hobby do you have? How much time do you spend on it? What do your parents and friends think of your hobby?

Hooray! My elder brother promised to be back home from college on my birthday…

– ask 3 questions about the basketball game.

Dear Gerald,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about dangerous natural phenomena, and I would like to answer them now. I think people who «hunt» tornadoes do it for the thrill and adrenaline rush, as well as to please their blog subscribers. To tell the truth, I would call tornado, flood, earthquake, hurricane the most dangerous natural phenomena for people since they lead to the most terrible destruction and the most numerous human casualties. Honestly speaking, I really hope people will learn to protect themselves from those disasters using modern technologies, but we cannot stop or eliminate them.

I am happy to hear about the basketball game. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. Was it fascinating and riveting? What teams played? Which team won?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 149

TEST 11. Hobby

Рис.0 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about his elder brother.

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about my hobby, and I would like to answer them now. You won’t believe me, but my hobby is making model aerosplanes. I’ve been doing it since my childhood. To tell the truth, I spend all my pocket money on it and a lot of time, too. Honestly speaking, my parents don’t mind my hobby, and friends are happy to get nice models for their birthdays..

I am glad to hear about your elder brother. I’d like to ask you a few questions about him. What’s his name? How old is he? Is he a role model for you?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 129

TEST 12. Summer weather

Рис.1 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about her new shoes.

Dear Joan,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about the weather, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, the weather in summer is quite warm and mild here. The days are sunny, it seldom rains, mostly in August. You won’t believe it, but I like walking in the park under the umbrella, when it rains because I adore a romantic and a little sad mood of summer rains. You know, I usually take an umbrella with me and wear a raincoat. If it rains heavily, I put on Wellington shoes.

I am sorry to hear about your shoes. I’d like to ask you a few questions about them. What’s wrong with the shoes? Don’t they fit you? Don’t you like their colour?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 148

TEST 13. Food

Рис.2 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about the zoo.

Dear Mary,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about food, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I have no special eating habits. I like fruit and eat a lot of it. You know, I go to our school canteen and have a soup and the second dish for lunch there. Unfortunately, the only dish I can cook myself is fried eggs with sausages. I am sure, the recipe is the same all over the world – just put them on the hot pan and fry until golden brown.

I am glad to hear about the zoo. I’d like to ask you a few questions about that. Is this zoo big? Where is it located? Are there many animals in the zoo?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 147

TEST 14. Dachas

Рис.3 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about the school dancing class

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about dachas, and I would like to answer them now. In my opinion, people want to have dachas because it’s a way of changing the city atmosphere and relax in peace and quiet. Moreover, it’s a good substitution for travelling, if they have little money. To tell the truth, usually people have a rest, ride bikes, swim in the rivers, pick mushrooms, go fishing, and do gardening. You know, people get to their dachas either by cars or by trains and buses.

I am glad to hear about the dancing class. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. When is the dancing class held? How long does it last? Are there many pupils in the dance class?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 148

TEST 15. Summer weather

Рис.4 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about his history class.

Dear Cyril,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about the summer weather, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I spent this summer in the country, and the weather was fine. There were almost no rains and cloudy days there. Honestly speaking, I usually stay at home on rainy days in summer and play computer games. You know, my favourite season is winter because I have my birthday in February.

I am glad to hear about your history class. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. What do you like in your history class? Why do you think it’s so fantastic? How often do you have the history class a week?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 142

TEST 16. Holiday plans

Рис.5 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about his test.

Dear David,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about my holiday plans, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I like to play team sports like football. My friends and I do it every weekend and have a lot of fun. Honestly speaking, I would like to go to a youth summer camp because I want to make new friends. You know, my plans for the nearest holiday is to go ice-skating and sledging in the park.

I am sorry to hear about your test. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. Was the test very difficult? Why did you almost fail it? What theme was the test devoted to?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 141

TEST 17. Babysitting

Рис.6 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about her cousin.

Dear Molly,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about babysitting, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I find babysitting very tough and exhausting. It takes a lot of time and patience. You know, if I’m asked to look after little kids, I try to play some games with them. Honestly speaking, I wouldn’t like to be the only child in the family because it is boring. Having a sibling is fun. You can teach and help each other.

I am glad to hear about your cousin. I’d like to ask you a few questions about him. Is your cousin older than you? Is he handsome? Does your cousin get along with you?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 139

TEST 18. School food

Рис.7 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about his brother’s trip.

Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about school food, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I go to or school canteen not so often. Usually there is a soup, a second dish, and a fruit drink. You know, I don’t like it because the dishes aren’t tasty and look unpleasant. Honestly speaking, I can cook only fried eggs, but my favourite food is pasta with a mushroom sauce. My mum cooks it mouth-watering.

I am glad to hear about your brother’s trip. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. How long is a trip to Nepal? What is the purpose of the trip? Is this trip going to be interesting?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 142

TEST 19. Moving

Рис.8 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about the contest.

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about my new house, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, I am happy because I have my own room here. There is also a place in the garage for my bike, too. You know, I go to school by bus now. It’s not far from here. Honestly speaking, my parents decided to move here since it’s a quiet place near the lake. They have dreamt about it for a long.

I am glad to hear about your victory in the contest. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. How many pupils took part in it? What is the theme of the contest? Was it difficult?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 143

TEST 20. Movies and books

Рис.9 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about the ping-pong tournament.

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about movies and books, and I would like to answer them now. I think many people still like stories about Robin Hood because they are romantic and cheerful. They also tell us about love and justice. To tell the truth, there are no books, which I can read again and again, unfortunately. You know, I usually get books to read on the Internet and read them on my smartphone.

I am glad to hear about your victory in the tournament. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. How many pupils participated in it? How long did it last? Was it difficult?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 133


Рис.10 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about the film in Spanish.

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about reading books, and I would like to answer them now. You won’t believe it, but the last book I’ve read is about solving Maths problems. I’m short of time now because I’m preparing for my final exams. To tell the truth, I read nothing for our literature classes, even though we have to read some classic authors such as Tolstoy, Dostoevskiy, and Chekhov. You know, I’ve already forgotten when I had time for reading a book for pleasure.

I am glad to hear about the film in Spanish. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. Did you understand Spanish speech in the film? Was it an interesting film? What was the genre of the film?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 148

TEST 102, DEMO FIPI 2025

Рис.11 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

– ask 3 questions about the present.

Dear Oscar,

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about Russian literature, and I would like to answer them now. You won’t believe it, but Russian writers are not popular with Russian teens. Japanese or Korean stories are more famous. To tell the truth, my favourite writer is Alexander Green and his Scarlet Sails. In my opinion, a foreigner should read Russian fairy tales first if he studies or is interested in Russia because they include all main plots and describe Russian culture best of all.

I am glad to hear about the unusual present. I’d like to ask you a few questions about it. Why did you get that present? What was it? Did you enjoy it?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 138

ЭССЕ, 38.1/38.2

Test 1. 38.1. What teenagers spend their pocket money on in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project on what teenagers spend their pocket money on in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of a survey (see the table below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

What do you spend your pocket money on?

Рис.12 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that can arise with spending pocket money and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of pocket money for teenagers.


Nowadays, more and more teenagers have their pocket money. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out on what teenagers spend their pocket money on in Zetland. I have found a table with some results of a relevant survey taken among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Overall, the figures in the table show that, answering the question «What do you spend your pocket money on?», the majority of the respondents, 31%, choose the option «Sweets and drinks», while «Places of Entertainment» is not so popular, 27%. Only 19% opt for «Comics and Toys».

Interestingly, the percentage of those who prefer spending their pocket money on sweets and drinks, 31%, is more than 3 times as high as the percentage of those who pays for mobile games, 9%. In my opinion, buying sweets and drinks is cheaper and more pleasant than mobiles games.

It goes without saying that teens spend their pocket money for different things, but there may be some problems, for example, with purchasing alcohol or cigarettes. It can become a very serious problem to their health. I suppose the best solution to this problem is to ban the sales of alcohol and cigarettes to minors.

In conclusion, I am sure, that learning to spend their pocket money is very important for teens because it teaches them to be independent and cautious. The benefits will outweigh the disadvantages, undoubtedly.

∑ = 250

Test 1. 38.2. Which companies young people would prefer working for in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project about which companies young people would prefer working for in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results оf a survey (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

What companies would you prefer working for?

Рис.13 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that one can face when working for big companies and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of working for big companies.


Nowadays, more and more young people are looking for companies for their future career. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out what companies young people would prefer working for in Zetland. I have found a pie chart with some results of a relevant survey taken among young people in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Overall, the figures in the pie chart show that answering the question «What companies would you prefer working for?», the majority of the respondents, 27%, choose the option «Dapple», while «Zicrosoft» is not so popular among young people, 22%. Only 21% opt for «Lacebook».

Interestingly, that the percentage of those who prefer working for «Dapple», 27%, is more than times as popular as those who choose «Besla», 13%. In my opinion, this substantial difference clearly mirrors young people’s attitude to the question from the survey. I think they select big companies because of bigger salaries and career opportunities.

It goes without saying that everyone wants to work in big companies, but there may be some problems, for example, with an unexpected lay-off. It can become a very serious obstacle to professional development of young people. I believe the best solution to this problem is to find some other companies with the same jobs.

In conclusion, I am sure, working for big companies is very important for people because this helps them develop their future careers. I suppose such benefits like great experience, high salary, and professional development are worth the effort.

∑ = 264

Test 2. 38.1. Why people go travelling in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project on why people go travelling in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of a survey (see the table below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

Why did you go travelling last time?

Рис.14 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that can arise with travelling and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of travelling in our life.


Nowadays, more and more people in the world tend to go travelling.

I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out why people go travelling in Zetland. I have found some data on the subject – the results of a relevant survey taken among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

On the whole, the data in the table shows that, answering the question «Why did you go travelling last time?», the majority of respondents, 41%, choose the option «To relax», while «To get new impressions» accounts for 29%. Surprisingly, «To meet new people» occupies the third position with 19%.

Surprisingly, the percentages of those who prefer travelling for relaxation, 41%, is more than 8 times as high as those who travel for health reasons. I find it reasonable because people get tired and bored from their work more often than get sick.

It goes without saying that everyone enjoys travelling, but there may be some problems with organizing it, too. Opening a visa or vaccination can become an obstacle to the whole journey. The best solution to this problem is to use help of a professional tour company and start preparing earlier.

In conclusion, I am sure, going travelling is very important for people, even though it is quite challenging in terms of unexpected and unpleasant accidents in other countries. I believe the benefits like changing your routine atmosphere and gaining new pleasant emotions are worth the effort.

∑ = 255

Test 2. 38.2. What social networks are the most popular among teenagers in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project on what social networks are the most popular among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results оf a survey (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

What social networks are you using now?

Рис.15 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that one can face when communicating on social networks and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of social networks in our life.


Nowadays, more and more people in the world communicate on social networks.

I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out what social networks are the most popular among teenagers in Zetland. I have found a pie chart with some results of a relevant survey taken among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Generally, the data in the table shows that, answering the question «What social networks are you using now?», the majority of respondents, 30%, choose «WeChat», while «Lacebook» accounts for 25%. «Mistagram» occupies the third position with only 22%.

It is worth mentioning that the percentage of those who prefer «WeChat» is almost 4 times as high as those who opt for «Switter». I suppose this is because «WeChat» appeared earlier and managed to collect more users than its competitors.

It goes without saying that almost everyone has an account on a social network, but there may be some problems with safety and personal data. They can be stolen by hackers or misused. The best solution to this problem is to establish extra Internet protection and regularly change the password.

In conclusion, I am sure, social networks are becoming more important for people because it is simply convenient and helpful. Such benefits like quick gaining new information, making friends, and unwinding outweigh the potential risks.

∑ = 234

Test 3. 38.1. What countries teens from Zetland would like to work in

Imagine that you are doing a project on what countries teens from Zetland would like to work in. You have found some data on the subject – the results of a survey (see the table below).

Comment on the survey data and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

What countries would you like to work in?

Рис.16 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that can arise with working in another country and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of working in another country.


Nowadays, more and more teenagers tend to work abroad. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out what countries teens from Zetland would like to work in. I have found a pie chart with some results of a relevant survey taken among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

On the whole, the data in the table show that, answering the question «What countries would you like to work in?», the majority of the respondents, 35%, choose the option «United States» while 25% mention «India». Only 23% opt for «China».

Surprisingly, the percentages of those who prefer getting a job in Indonesia, 10%, and Pakistan, 7%, respectively, are almost the same. I suppose the respondents of those groups either were born or have their relatives in the countries.

It goes without saying that many people want to work abroad, but there may be some problems, for example, with a small salary and long adaptation. They can become very serious obstacles to having a family and their well-being. I believe the best solution to this problem is to start preparing in advance and consult those who have worked there.

In conclusion, I am sure, that working in another country is very important for everyone because they can gain new experience, new friends, develop professional skills, and widen their horizons. But it is quite challenging in terms of money and habits. However, the benefits like prosperity and career opportunities are worth the effort.

∑ = 259

Test 3. 38.2. Why the social network VK is so popular among teenagers in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project on why the social network VK is so popular among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results оf a survey (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

Why do you spend time in VK?

Рис.17 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that one can face when using VK and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of VK in teens’ life.


Nowadays more and more teens start using social network VK.

I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out why the social network VK is so popular among teenagers in Zetland. I have found a pie chart with some results of a relevant survey taken among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Overall, the data in the table show that, answering the question «Why do you spend time in VK?», the majority of respondents, 40%, choose the option «Most classmates use», while «Easy to use» accounts for 19%. «Homework answers» occupies the third position with only 18%.

Interestingly, the percentage of those who refer to their classmates, 40%, is more than 4 time as high as the percentage of those who find the VK content interesting. I suppose such substantial difference mirrors teens’ attitude to the question. They value communication more than searching fun.

It goes without saying that social media are becoming more and more popular, but there may be some problems with using VK, too. Personal data theft or scamming can become an obstacle to easy communication. In my opinion, the best solution to this problem is to change your password often and use secure software.

In conclusion, I am sure, VK is very important for teens because they find there whatever they need – friends, information, and entertainment. Moreover, VK is developing very quickly now and becoming one of the leading social media in its area.

∑ = 254

Test 4. 38.1. What people think about natural population growth in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project on what people think about natural population growth in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject (see the table below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

How do you consider population growth in Zetland?

Рис.18 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that can arise with natural population growth in a country and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of population growth.


Nowadays, the population of the world is increasing rapidly. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out on what people think about natural population growth in Zetland. I have found a table with some results of a relevant survey taken among people in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Overall, the figures in the table show that, answering the question «How do you consider population growth in Zetland?», the majority of the respondents, 49%, choose the option «Good», while «Necessary» is not so popular, 27%. Only 19% opt for «Bad».

Interestingly, the percentage of those who consider population growth as good, 31%, is almost 7 times as high as the percentage of those who finds it dangerous, 8%. In my opinion, this substantial difference mirrors people’s attitude to the question. Having children is always good, unlike loneliness and childlessness.

It goes without saying that the population growth shows some kind of development, but there may be some trouble with food, education, health care, and jobs. It can become a very serious problem to people’s welfare. I suppose the best solution to this problem is to plan and develop domestic industries, schools, and new jobs.

In conclusion, I am sure, that the population increase is better than its decline. It means people want to have families and plan the future of their children, as well as develop and improve their country.

∑ = 246


Nowadays more and more people in the world consider population growth as an important issue. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out what people think about natural population growth in Zetland. I have found a table with some results of a relevant survey taken among people in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

On the whole, the figures in the table show that, answering the question «How do you consider population growth in Zetland?», the majority of the respondents, 49%, choose «Good», while «Necessary» accounts for 23%. Only 11% opt for «Bad».

Interestingly, the percentages of those who selected the troublesome option, 9%, and those who considered population growth as dangerous, 8%, are almost the same. In my opinion, this similarity clearly mirrors people’s attitude to the question from the survey. I believe they are afraid that population growth threatens their lives.

It goes without saying that nobody wants to stop population growth, but there may be some problems, for example, with the shortage of food. I think the best solution to this problem is to use modern technology of GMF and the planned distribution of food.

In conclusion, I am sure, population growth is very important for development of life in any country. In my opinion, our children will be able to find proper solutions to the current issues, which our generation experiences now.

∑ = 242

Test 4. 38.2. What TV programmes are popular among teenagers in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project on what TV programmes are popular among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results оf a survey (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

What TV programmes do you find the most interesting?

Рис.19 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that one can face when watching TV and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of TV in human life.


Nowadays, more and more teenagers tend to watch TV programmes. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out on what TV programmes are popular among teenagers in Zetland. I have found a pie chart with some results of a relevant survey taken among teens in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Overall, the figures in the table show that, answering the question «What TV programmes do you find the most interesting?», the majority of the respondents, 33%, choose the option «Sitcoms», while «Serials» is not so popular, 32%. Only 15% opt for «Talk shows».

Interestingly, the percentage of those who prefer watching situation comedies, 33%, is almost 5 times as high as the percentage of those who select educational programmes, 7%. In my opinion, this substantial difference mirrors teens’ attitude to the question. Entertainment and fun attract more attention and are more enjoyable.

It goes without saying that many people watch TV, but it can cause quite serious problems with vision and health in general. I suppose the best solution to this problem is to cut down on your screen time, take breaks, and regularly get some exercise.

In conclusion, I am sure, that watching TV is very important in human life because it provides a lot of useful and relevant information, keep up with the latest new as well as helps to unwind from daily routine.

∑ = 244

Test 5. 38.1. What film genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland

Imagine that you are doing a project on what film genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of a survey (see the table below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

What kind of films do you prefer watching?

Рис.20 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that can arise with watching films and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of watching films in your life.


Nowadays, more and more teenagers in the world are watching different films and movies. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out on what film genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland. I have found a table with some results of a relevant survey taken among teens in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Overall, the figures in the table show that, answering the question «What kind of films do you prefer watching?», the majority of the respondents, 31%, choose the option «Anime», while «Thriller» is not so popular, 25%. Only 21% opt for «Fantasy».

Interestingly, the percentage of those who prefer watching Japanese animation, 31%, is more than 3 times as high as the percentage of those who select humorous and amusing movies, 10%. In my opinion, this substantial difference mirrors teens’ attitude to the question. Unusual characters and colourful scenes attract more attention and are more enjoyable for the surveyed.

It goes without saying that everyone watches films, but it can cause quite serious problems with vision and heart because of a lack of movement. I suppose the best solution to this problem is to cut down on your screen time, take breaks, and regularly get some exercise.

In conclusion, I have to admit that watching films is very important for me because it helps me unwind from daily routine. I am sure, it develops my imagination, too.

∑ = 247

Test 5. 38.2. Why teens in Zetland consider learning economics necessary

Imagine that you are doing a project on why teens in Zetland consider learning economics necessary. You have found some data on the subject – the results оf a survey (see the pie chart below).

Comment on the survey data and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

The survey question:

Why did you start learning economics?

Рис.21 Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2—3 facts;

– make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that one can face when learning economics and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of learning economics.


Nowadays, more and more students in the world tend to be educated and learn basics of economics. I am currently working on a project, which is aimed at finding out why teens in Zetland consider learning economics necessary. I have found a pie chart with some results of a relevant survey taken among young people in Zetland. As part of my project, I am going to analyse the statistics and present my findings.

Overall, the figures in the pie chart show that answering the question «Why did you start learning economics?», the majority of the respondents, 58%, choose the option «Planning future», while «Building up a career» is not so popular, 20%. Only 11% opt for «Investing».

Interestingly, that the percentage of those who plan to use economics for their future, 58%, 29 times higher than those who want to realise theoretical basics, 2%. In my opinion, economics means money and prosperity to them and the study should pay off.

It goes without saying that many people learn economics today for different reasons, but there may be some problems, for example, with money to pay for education. I believe the best solution to this problem is to take an educational loan or ask your parents for help.

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