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The gods are deprived of the luxury of not knowing our thoughts.

The author is known to you


Рис.0 Rembrandt code

In the process of gathering information for this book, I used classified material, as usual. Secret in fact. That is, you understand, secret materials are, to a certain extent, classified. In the world of the Internet, it's hard enough to call something as such.

In addition, I would like to clarify (since I write in the science fiction genre) some attitudes : people want to read something plausible, that is, fiction backed by a solid scientific basis; in other words, they don't want those two words in that combination to be disconnected. Accordingly, they do not want the book to be mere fantasy, nor do they want it to be a boring scientific read. I hope you get my point, though I will still clarify: if the narrative is boring science, then no one will read it as fiction . So, once again: if the narration is purely scientific, then fans of fiction will not be interested in it, and if the text is just fiction, then it will not be appreciated by fans of science fiction. And depts of this science fiction want to see a fictional world, which, by the way, all literary writers draw, but with scientific validity, but only squeeze of facts will not read t. This is the difficulty: where to find that line that separates fiction, just fiction (from fairy tales to fantasy, all the way to love lyrics), and science-based narrative about what we imagine?

So, in the process of collecting information for the book I used materials provided to me by the committee of foreign intelligence and security service of a secret enterprise, which is hidden for the outside world behind a rather working, but however causing certain associations name JSC "ZASLON". However, you understand, I have to use Aesopian language, write not all components of technology under the "top secret", that is to reveal the topic a little veiled. It didn't start with an ordinary case at the mentioned enterprise, but the secret data I came across surprised me even more…

Yes, I am here, according to the rules of good manners, I must introduce myself: Rutra Paschow, head of the secret research bureau "Artificial Intelligence Technology Control Center". The essence of my narration, perhaps, will become clear to you at the end of , now I will bring to your attention its reason: I as a specialist was entrusted to conduct a covert investigation of one very significant and suspicious in sense of naturalness case, namely … T ut I will keep silent for now, because even after apo feosis of the whole scenario of this "show". I'm not sure of the categories of the incident. Let's take the following as a basis for now: a case and an incident (I will designate an incident by these two synonyms) with scientific employee of the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC. The specificity of this case was quite intricate: three lines of investigation were simultaneously conducted: internal – by the security service of the enterprise, external – by the security service of the state, and also assigned to me. And the enterprise did not know about the investigation that was conducted by the service that hired me. The one I conducted was initiated by the State Security Service, and I acted under the mandate of the Investigative Committee. Everything was organized in an extremely decent entourage : I was provided not only with the documents of an investigator, but also could hold a reception in the office of the corresponding service as a real representative of the committee, though under an assumed name. At the enterprise, including e e security service, my mission was presented as expert, to certify the official version, voiced by the same enterprise security service and, accordingly, by the local medical institution. In the process of familiarizing yourself with the investigation materials that I decided to disclose, you will understand the complexity and danger of the described event. Of course, the question is legitimate: why me and why such a scheme? The answer is banally simple … However.

I will begin, however, with an introduction to the explanatory component, being the outer limits of the spiral of the central core of the incident.

Chapter 1: On People and Not…

Рис.6 Rembrandt code

It is no secret that even the military recognizes the existence of UFOs. To clarify: UFOs should not be a simple association with some aliens. UFO – is first of all an unidentified flying machine . In addition, there are organizations that study not standard phenomena, unidentified, that is, remaining mysterious events, cases. I do not mean any investigation, criminal or similar, but exactly an event that goes beyond our usual logic.

Next I have one confession to make. In ozzmozhno it will have some consequences for me, but I can't do it without it either. To make it interesting for you to read, I have to make it . It consists in the fact that, in addition to the information that is openly available on the network, there is information from closed networks. For many people it is no secret that there is a dark side of the Internet – a separate world to which mere mortals the way is forbidden. Of course, it is not surprising that it is guarded by those who inhabit this world, but, no matter how strange, those who "hunt " for these "creatures", also unwittingly provide them with additional security . It is the intelligence services, whose goal is to make open all aspects of an individual's life, who fight against the secret side of citizens' relationships, using special organizations and special programs (as we know, anti-viruses), create a powerful barrier between that world and this, explicit one. In that world things happen with impunity that are punishable in this world. But the point for me is not that drugs, weapons, organs and other things are sold there, but the following: in the process of investigation I came to the conclusion that someone ( or something or nobody) created this system, this underground world on purpose, in order to conduct activities, negotiations there, that is to live out of sight of the manifest world. And when I dug deeper, it turned out that in that world "life" began earlier than in this world, in the explicit one.

Here you need to understand correctly the following: in fact, the Internet was created by a special military organization, which was, accordingly, classified. At first it was a military communication system called Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a computer network created in 1969 in the United States by the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which was the prototype of the Internet . In any new technology, even for commercial purposes, is classified. And the systems created by special services and the military are even more so. This is understood, if not by everyone, then by many.

With time, many events , documents, technologies become not secret, but there are some moments in them that are always secret. Imagine if some time ago other intelligent beings settled on Earth, organized our civilization, led it according to their plan. Would it be a global secret for all time? Of course it would! Now the background (you may not believe it, your right): I decided to reveal some of the material, although I presented it in a slightly modified form, so that it was not quite clear where here is truth and where is fiction. With oglaisyte, human civilization is permeated with such stories – from myths and legends about magic, about other worlds, fairy tale creatures to religious cults, belief in God, justified by the suspicions about the existence of such centers, about which I intend to write. Though I will again specify (just in case): all stated is fiction, and there everyone will understand to the extent of his representation of the real reality. After all, everyone has his own point of view about the structure of our world, t and even more so about its hidden underside .

In general, once I was appointed to a commission to investigate paranormal phenomena. I hid it for many years, accordingly, I signed a non-disclosure, so, remaining true to duty, I write about it in the genre of science fiction . About However, I decided to open at least a window into this secret world, because ( I know from my secret channels) "explosion" is coming.

The first case involves, as in the best traditions of the genre, intellectual beings not of earthly origin. I see the modest smiles of some… and not modest either . However, agree, the more one realizes the majesty and magnitude of the universe, the more one wishes to be not alone in these vast expanses , the more one believes in the possibility of extraterrestrial communication with time. Isn't the same way? P look around at all this from the outside and recognize: late or sooner this communication will be realized and the existing one will be revealed.

When we start talking about aliens, most people think of a secret area called Area 51 in the United United States. In fact, this is just a distraction of public opinion, of public consciousness. Think about it logically: if aliens wanted to secretly arrive on Earth and build themselves a center for human surveillance, then couldn't they influence people in advance, recruit some (the right ones) or take on the appearance of humans? In go people are all different too. With the available technology, even Earth technology, they could certainly do it easily. However, here I need to make some clarifications , make an introduction about the cloud structure itself, named as alien visitation to Earth.

Believe me, many people have a very poor understanding of the very options of how this can be realized, respectively, the very structure of the system of moving living beings in space. To make you understand, roughly describe the following (I often repeat this , but there is no way without it): light from the Sun to us flies 8 minutes at a speed of 300 thousand km per second, and our spaceships, which are built at the current technological level not , fly at a speed of 16, 65 km/second. This is the third space speed (the minimum speed that must be given to a body for it to overcome the gravitational pull of the Sun and leave the solar system). So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand kilometers per second, it is very little. Moreover, for living organisms flying in space even at a speed of 16, 65 km/s is very problematic. In the first place, radiation , as we know, penetrates everywhere, and secondly, blood circulation and… our brain also consist mostly of liquid. And fluids are more susceptible to inertial shifts under the influence of gravity and acceleration . That is why I accompany many of my expert opinions with the same introductions , which are based on my invented method of moving in space, finding other worlds, transferring consciousness from one body to another , and even to a being in another world. I learned the scientific component of this possibility by studying these secret materials. The essence of e e is the following: firstly, there is such a paradox of science as effect of quantum-entangled pairs. I will not tell about it for a long time, I often describe it in all my works, besides, there is a lot of information in the Internet . In a nutshell, quantum entanglement occurs at the moment when two or more particles become bound together. The point is that the interaction of these quantum entangled pairs violates all the laws of physics regarding the rate of interaction. And the laws of physics regarding speed, for example, are based on the fact that there is no speed higher than the speed of light. As I said, this speed is 300 thousand km/s. But these quantum entangled pairs affect each other with instantaneous speed, which is even impossible to calculate. Thus can fly these pairs of particles to any distances. Secondly, it is possible to transfer consciousness from one brain to another. For example, I have an interesting idea – a thought that I want to convey to you, for example. What do I do? I form this thought into words, tell someone, or write, or transfer my thoughts with the help of implanted chip directly to artificial intelligence, which can both print and voice, and with different voices . Accordingly, this is how I materialize my thoughts, such as the ones you are reading. By the way, this unique chip and software to it were developed by engineers of the company "ZASLON", and integration was carried out by the author, whom you have the honor to read, that is me. Sorry , I can't deny my modesty (I smile).

A special place in my story belongs to the author of the software, whose name I cannot reveal. He was listed in our filing cabinet under the code name Rembrandt. Actually, around his secret activity goes all my narration, which is an investigation. It itself is not official, as it were. I was tasked to carefully find out all aspects of what happened and the events preceding this . So to say, tacitly, in a friendly way, so as not to scare off… To wow? That's what I was supposed to find out, too.

However, I have distracted you a bit. So, that if you or someone else would read or listen to my thought, understand and reflect my thoughts in their thoughts, it is necessary to convert it into some form that we understand. After all, we never learned to read thoughts in the process of evolution. This is how my thought, and thought as such, turns out to be in another brain, in another consciousness, and there, for example, in your brain, as if in your consciousness, it becomes your thought. So in this way I have converted my thought into your thought. But is a long process. If you imagine your personality as a picture of moral and spiritual characteristics, convert it into digital form, then your thought will be one millimicron cell of this picture. And if all the cells are converted into a special program, then your personality will be encrypted in this program. Thus, you can take and, let's say, make a complete description of a person in the form of a complex formula, a mathematical matrix, a computer program. Not only to describe appearance, character or some peculiarities, but to take the totality of all analysis systems , be it blood parameters, tomography data of the whole organism, X-ray of body parts or something else, – analysis of everything that makes up an individual, and make an i of a person. But how to know all these parameters in accuracy, including the mechanisms that form the mental picture of a person, i.e. the formula by which the brain forms them? This is the most difficult thing. And this task was solved in the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC, namely by a team led by this very genius, and not only in the field of binary code, i.e. in programming. This fantasist and wizard was named by us in the secret documents with the name of another genius – Rembrandt.

So, about decoding, or rather – digitalization of thought and in general the whole essence of a human being. We can do the reverse process: copy information – digital i of a person – from a computer and transfer it to another computer. Accordingly, it is also possible to copy human brain, or rather, all that it keeps in itself, even hidden information, and transfer it through special systems and programs to another person. So far it is all e secret technologies, which we do imagine, but still e do not fully understand, little believe in them . However, as we know, all e ingenious is simple. If we write down our thoughts, for example, we copy our words on a special recording device and then transfer them somewhere, send them over the network or even let them "free float" with the help of radio waves, then play them on other devices, then why can't we copy our brain completely – the information from it, that is all that makes up our personality, and transfer it to another person, as in another computer? All e is possible. This is another part of technology, created in the bowels of JSC " ZASLON" in tandem with the bureau, which is represented in my personal ts . Otherwise, why am I writing about it? Not to mention the fact that I am the chairman of the internal investigation commission. It is kind of necessary to make a reservation here, why the investigation is being conducted, to announce the reasons that caused it but for now let me talk about technology, more precisely, about technology – both in general and directly born in the dungeons of ZASLON JSC.

M aleven explanation: enterprise ZASLON is a general contractor of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the field of development, production and supply of information and complex systems of automated control, software, instrumentation and microelectronics. It is the largest scientific and technical center in this area on a global scale. It is this world scale that will be the element of an important investigation. The enterprise was, of course, a regime enterprise, but the scientific specialists of the enterprise were not only frequent ( and welcome) guests and participants of all kinds of international exhibitions and conferences, but also consultants ( read: leading specialists), including secret projects and missions, in cooperation programs of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

I will now return to the thread of familiarization with technology. Let me remind you that we talked about recording consciousness, i.e. the whole essence of data that make up human personality, on a non-living material medium. Although it is impossible to record it on a living one. But only not for the magicians of the secret laboratory of ZASLON JSC. Yes- yes, I understand your desire to know how, but please be patient.

The next component of the technology, developed in the mentioned laboratory of ZASLON JSC, is a complex system that will influence this program, into which the person's personality will be translated, on the mechanism that will control the spin of quantum-entangled particles.

Here again I must divert you to an explanation: spin is, simply put , the moment of rotation of these quantum-entangled particles. And quantum entangled particles are two or more disconnected particles, which retain a connection between themselves, therefore entangled, as if connected by an invisible thread. They rotate and influence each other in such a way that if with the help of special systems to change the rotation of one particle, that is, to influence the way it rotates (you can even stop it ), then the second one instantly reacts and mirrors . This is such a parallel world. And it is not scientifically clarified how this connection is realized between them . Let me remind you that their interaction with each other is instantaneous. Why am I talking about this ? In with it is about one system – finding other worlds (I understand your surprise), moving there, transferring consciousness, as you have understood, and taking possession of the body, which is in these worlds. It is not necessary to transfer a body in space , but it is impossible, for long distances for sure, especially for the universe the speed of light is still e and very long, not counting the fact that according to the laws of physics material bodies cannot reach e e. It sounds fantastic, I am talking about other worlds and the method of entering them. O but is not fantastic the chain of influences – nuclear fusion in the nucleus of stars and the possibility of our existence, and in general protein bodies (for the life of protein creatures need heavy elements like carbon, which contains 12 protons in the nucleus) ? This process was made possible by nuclear fusion in the core of super hot massive stars billions of years ago . Or isn't the miraculous origin of life? By some minuscule part of the male fuses with part of the female and.... whoa, whoa, whoa!… there is someone who reads this, someone who writes this … well, you get my drift.

So, even if we fly at a speed of 1 thousand km/s ( not per hour, but per second), even if we overcome all these difficulties related to gravity, radiation, inertia and other difficulties, even half jets within our C solar system will not be so fast (for example, a flight from Neptune to the Sun would take 50 days). To say nothing of flying to a neighboring star… well, that's a long time, about 1272 years . And it takes 761 million years to fly to our neighbor Andromeda (the galaxy T umanity of Andromeda, closest to our own). Yes same if we invert all the laws of physics (at least those that are established now) and reach for flights speed of light for material bodies (according to Einstein's theory, in which I very much doubt, material bodies can not reach the speed of light) – 300 thousand. km/s , then to our neighboring star – Proxima Centauri – to fly more than four years, and to the same A ndromeda – more than 2, 5 million years. Imagine how long it would take to fly at a speed that we can technically control – 16.65 km/s. Accordingly, when they say why there are no aliens, why we don't even hear them – I will answer : because to osmosis is huge. Even if we fly at the speed of light, which is not conceivable according to the laws of physics, although radio waves travel at this speed, the movement even within our galaxy will take tens of thousands of years (it is more than 100 thousand light years across). E if even inside our galaxy there is an advanced civilization, at least at our level, then if they sent us hello, say, about thirty thousand years ago, and are on the other side of the galaxy, at the same distance from the nucleus as we are, we will hear them again at least in thirty thousand years. Now, I hope I have made some clarity about the appearance of aliens on Earth. On this issue, I think, it will not be superfluous to touch upon the Drake formula (estimation of the possible number of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy) and the Fermi paradox (absence of visible traces of activity of extraterrestrial civilizations, which should have settled all over the selves over billions of years of e e development).

Based on the comparisons above, if these UFOs appear in our area, it means that they also depend on such parameter as distance and speed. All hyperjumps, wormholes and reincarnation into another form and then materialization in our reality, can, of course, take place, but then the question remains open – why such complexity? Isn't it easier to appear on our Earth at once, having incarnated in a body, to materialize in such a magical way or to pour all into the consciousness of an earthly inhabitant. To statistics, it is often mentioned in all kinds of paranormal testimonies. To of course, given that UFOs in general are. If we proceed from the statements of various kinds of personalities, those whom I had to investigate, and not only them, – they are real; moreover , with them contacted. This is a hackneyed topic, I realize, that arouses skepticism. However, I have hinted frankly why this narrative is not a documentary read. Agree, it is only necessary to assume the existence of a civilization other than ours, their visit to our planet, their influence on us, so immediately becomes completely justified their desire to hide from people their existence.

There is this religious statement: the basis of the devil's being is not to harm man, but to present himself as B og and prove his absence. I would add: however, to leave us with solid reasons to believe in something supernatural, something to be feared, therefore to read, to believe, and to act on his mercy and love for us. This is also a paradox of our logic and psychology.

However, let's follow the central line of the narrative, so far about UFOs. From the point of view of logic , if UFOs appear, if it is recorded (and the military and special services), it means that these aliens appear periodically. If proceeding from the above arguments (distances and speed), then either they are found accidentally, or they live here, or they conduct experiments on us.

Here someone once seriously thought: where does all this come from? It all started with the investigation of these very unexplained events – UFO sightings by the military. Since everyone would like to have a technology that allows almost invisible and fast travel, e or at least . Moreover, they most likely took care of their safety, so such technology is there. So, according to the available data, according to most of the secret protocols of ZASLON JSC about testing of the Perceptron A-1 installation, – this is not a figment of imagination. I will begin to reveal little by little the secrets of technologies , which became known to me from the program in which I became a participant . Although, what is there to be wise about, we are talking about the technologies I described above. And about the installation of "Per eptron A-1" I will explain: n perceptron – a type of neural networks. It is based on a mathematical model of information perception by the brain. The idea was to create an artificial neural network – a simplified model of a biological neural network. The biological neural network is the human brain. The human brain, and indeed the brain as such, is a complex biological neural network that takes information from the senses and converts it e into the understanding we have of the world as a whole: as the natural world – in selves with all its components . The brain is made up of neurons interacting with each other. "Alchemists" of the enterprise "ZASLON" decided to use the whole totality of systems perceiving something as a similarity of sense organs. And it was a global research and program. Radio telescopes on space satellites; colliders, including the Large Hadron collider; sensors scattered over the vastness of the world ocean; receiving systems of all ranges – from military radars to household antennas – were integrated into the common system. And even the cell phone system was set up to transmit covert signals of interference, from magnetic storms to the relic radiation of the universe. If you have a question "how?", think of the above-mentioned contacts with foreign research and production associations. H and in fact all global systems, from intelligence to research bureaus (at similar to ours), contact and cooperate regardless of even wars and declared policies. This is an equally complex topic, but not the subject of this investigation, which I have defined for myself as research.

For now, let's go in order. About those technologies, described by me above, about expediency of extraterrestrial beings in the body of an earthly inhabitant not just for the sake of a red word said. The general program consists of this important component. The essence is the control of consciousness. However, if some kind of hypnosis, suggestion, advertising or mystical bondage came to your mind, I hasten to disbelieve you, or rather, to clarify: is a direct control of consciousness – as a material component , almost an object. This is done in the following way: the human consciousness is written by the formula of a special matrix into a program. Then with the help of this program influence on those very quantum disconnected particles, on their spin , on the moment of rotation. Spin means literally "rotation". It is the intrinsic momentum of elementary particles, having both quantum and classical nature.

A complex system is implemented, thus transmitting information about the primary system, – about the i from which the matrix is composed, similar, conditionally, to a symbiosis of programs that create everything – from cartoons and movies to objects on a 3D- printer. Thus a special language of the code of rotation is created, of the very spin, each element of which, as if each letter of this alphabet, differs from the other by micron fractions of a millimeter in the change of this spin. Imagine the level of technology that allows you to change the spin of a particle and with the help of it make a matrix in which your inner world is displayed in numbers, letters and symbols – in general, everything that makes up your self. E there are two difficulties: how to collect information about what makes up your personality, and how to remove it completely from your brain and rewrite it into another brain. Here in this matter our hero, this Rembrandt, has shown the excellent quality of his imagination. Proceeding from the fact that all our thoughts and feelings are electrochemical reactions in the brain, in its original generation, he decided to record them and forcibly, with the help of an implanted chip, cause similar reactions in another brain. H example, a person could receive a signal that caused meaningful laughter in the original brain, and laugh , but not know the cause. What would make the reaction meaningful was to recreate the complex of signals together. This task did not become a dilemma for our master. By the way, I call Rembrandt "our" Rembrandt a little ironically, he was working more on tasks under auspices of the concern "ZASLON". At us, he "mutilated" one very unusual, secret and also dangerous program. However, I will leave the intrigue for the time being....

Rembrandt came up with this system: in a room without furniture, with neutral color walls, floor and ceiling, with minimal lighting, where there was only a chair and an electronic calendar on the wall, the experimenter with an implanted chip had to look at this calendar, on which the days changed, starting from the day of his birth. This allowed memories linked in a chronological chain to be revealed. After the fifth time, a fairly voluminous picture of the person's life history was created, which, in turn, was formalized into an animated movie with the help of a neural network. Watching the video allowed maximally recall all the events that seemed already forgotten. All e this time the chip recorded fixed brain signals, which could be different for the same event from time to time by sessions. A matrix of electrochemical reactions , which is a picture of personality, was created from the whole set of signals. The second stage was recording the signals of electrochemical reactions in the process of watching different genre videos . These could be both full-length movies and short commercials. The result was a so-called picture of a person's personality in historical progression. That is, not only what you are, but also what you were once. In the final stage another animated movie was generated, and on the basis of reactions when watching it the final formula of a person's personality was fixed, which included reactions from the sensual perception of one's actions depending on time, place and event.

After that came the general stage, in which the collected complex of reactions was excited in another brain and… sim- salabim!.. transmigration of souls. Hypnosis and zombie- experiments of the MK-Ultra program are quietly smoking in the sidelines: we have the effect of personality substitution. By the way, we constantly transfer, though partially, our personality into other people. In a primitive version, the analogy of this can be any adoption of any knowledge, properties, manners. For example, people in the process of learning to some extent adopt the teacher's personality; your idol in any field, from variety shows to religious cult, whose manners and thoughts you want to adopt, also transfers partially his "I" to you. But if you write off, copy, as from a computer, everything that is contained in your brain, then your body will be just a prototype of the "hardware" of a computer system. T now the next step: what if we copy the body too? In son-in-law and clone you, during year to grow the body by special technologies (which are already used in animal husbandry), and after that to bring there the i stored in your consciousness and subconsciousness – all cognitive, moral-spiritual, intellectual content of your brain. Now let us introduce a set of certain signals by categories – laughter, anger and all other manifestations of the human psyche. So you can make a kind of alphabet, with the help of it form different psychotypes, and then load into the clone the artificial i needed for any task, mission. That is to have a catalog of electrochemical signals, in which the whole structure of human consciousness will be represented. You could in the same way that an i is transmitted over a network ( what a digital camera does, this picture appears elsewhere), transfer your consciousness over a distance. It will even be possible to carry the substitute consciousness with you. For example, on a dangerous mission or just traveling. For example, you might want to rent a clone and inhabit it. You may even be a different gender. You may be smiling, but believe me, in tandem with our colleagues at ZASLON we have been working on exactly that.

Yes, I realize to the average person these are implausible technologies. But do you know all about the level of technology possessed by the intelligence services? I often cite one story to understand this level: on August 4, 1945, a delegation of Soviet schoolchildren presented Ambassador Averell Harriman of the United States of America with a gift – a wooden panel of precious wood with the i of the Great Seal of the United States.

Security technicians carefully checked the coat of arms for metal and found nothing. The American ambassador hung it on the wall of his office. Only eight years later it was discovered that the gift panel had been fitted with a " bug" and the Soviet security services had been listening in on the ambassador's secret conversations.

To activate this device, a secret NKVD post located in a neighboring building sent a constant 800 MHz radio signal to the wooden coat of arms. When a conversation took place in the office, a thin film membrane vibrated under the influence of sound waves. E that vibration modulated the reflection of the irradiating radio signal. The reflected radio waves hit the radio antenna of another, NKVD receiving post in the apartment of a nearby building. The uniqueness of "Zlatoust" (this was the code name for this device) was that it did not require any power supply and acted in the same way as a mirror when reflecting light.

That's the way it is, back in 1945 . What do you want now, when a smartphone has functions that not every sci-fi writer of the past, or even a professional spy, could dream of. And now that a mini chip with smartphone functions can be implanted into a human being, powered by your biology, and integrated into the World Wide Web , to say that my revelation is implausible is to sign your limited imagination.

By the way, that device "Zlatoust" was invented also in the holy of holies – the secret laboratory of the company "ZASLON". True, at that time organization had a secret name: plant No. 287.

So, it is done in such a way: in order for the necessary, for example, your consciousness to enter the brain of another person, first it is necessary to influence that brain to receive special signals that excite electrochemical reactions, and then one consciousness will replace the other. I'll tell you a secret… although no secret will work. I confess in advance: I am going to make the results of the investigation public. You will understand the reason in the final act of the protocol and , I hope, appreciate what prospect for mankind lies behind this innovation. So, brain action signals must be adapted to the frequency of infrasound. Infrasound is waves with frequencies lower than those perceived by the human ear. One must be very careful in experiments with infrasound, when infrasound frequencies coincide with the natural frequencies of human organs (resonance) can completely destroy one or another organ . This is a little difficult to understand, but it is actually very simple. I am describing all these details, so that there is an understanding of the basis on which the mission that was the cause of the investigation was carried out. This is an introduction to the described history : recording of consciousness; cloning of the body; transfer of consciousness – "implantation " in living beings (I so call all living things, in which it is possible to implant human consciousness; as you have understood, human consciousness can be implanted not only in a human being). I am writing about this method as an introductory explanation of the expert for the representatives of the investigative committee who are investigating on the official state level. Let me remind you that, among other things, as an expert I am the head of the internal investigation committee. I need to prepare you as well, so that you understand what we are talking about. So, if you believe that not only a part of your consciousness, but also your speech, and any creativity "produced" by your intellect, can be sent, for example, by radio waves… even by ordinary letter, even by cuneiform, and also e in the form of a program, and, as I have already said, absolutely everything e that makes up your personality, then you can easily enter the world we are going to talk about. And this is not a world in the sense of a habitat system like our planet, but an imaginary magical universe. Imagine that you were one of the bacteria that live inside you, and suddenly became what you are. Imagine the world changing, what does this concept mean now?

So, I hope you have grasped the essence of consciousness transfer technology. Now you understand what can be done with the help of the effect of quantum entangled pairs paradox: instantaneously transfer your consciousness to any distances of the universe. Of course, the question legitimately arises: why did I suddenly decide to talk about the identity of living ( and, most importantly, thinking) beings in other worlds? But let us speculate, compare and take a look at what we are used to from the outside. First of all let's take a look at the diversity of species of living beings on Earth, not of an earthly inhabitant . Just for effect let's imagine: you are a conditional alien, you were born and lived on a space station. And isolated or with a minimum number of their own kind, which at least are not diverse in height, weight, race , that is maximally identical. What's my point? In the first, you have not contemplated any living beings, except people, in living, and secondly, under such circumstances you more appreciate such feature: with all diversity of species on the Earth all living things have something in common. T now let's ask: why with the uniform laws of physics of the whole universe there should be formed other ways of life? Here I must remind you of something, perhaps you know about it: a group of scientists conducted the largest census of species of living beings in history and determined the number of one trillion! And taking into account that, according to the conclusions of the same experts, to date described of them about 0.001% , and if you add to this – more than 90% of living organisms are already extinct, the diversity that gave birth to Mother Earth, very impressive. But the essence of the example is this: I want you to imagine every living organism formed on Earth, and the extinct ones too, as a separate civilization. Imagined how different we all are, children of the third planet in the C ollunar system of the Milky P uts galaxy? I will not hold back and remind you: in this galaxy that I mentioned, about 400 billion suns like ours (in the neighboring one – about a trillion), and galaxies… it is not known how many – presumably also a trillion. Get the hint?

E there is one feature that I believe is natural: if here, on Earth, such a variant of an intelligent being as we are, it is the form that living matter – man – has taken, it is this design of organism that has become intelligent, then there are reasons for it. Think about how many species have evolved, evolved and disappeared or not become intelligent for some reason. So the form that the RNA molecule has taken is the only correct method of nature, the kind of design that can most clearly manifest the intelligent property. According to the modern conception of the world, ribonucleic acid (RNA) was the first molecule to acquire the ability to self-reproduce. E sli the appearance and development of even non-living structure, from which it became possible to form a living cell on the planet Earth, depends, among other things, on the location of our luminary in a comfortable area of the galaxy, then, accordingly, the same conditions are needed for a similar process in any part of the universe. Let me clarify: RNA cannot be called a living being, since has no body boundaries. Due to the Sun's location in the inner edge of Orion's arm, in a place where for 4, 5, billion years now there have been hothouse conditions, a "zone Z latovlaski". In simple explanation, the "Goldilocks zone" is a habitable zone, a region around a star where the planet's average temperature allows liquid water to exist. On a global galactic scale, the primary significance was the absence of hard cosmic radiation – the absence in proximity of the star formation process. However, the formation of life, as we know it, requires carbon – and not simple carbon, but with the appropriate energy levels of electrons and protons. And for its formation, exactly for setting the necessary parameters , we need this very hard radiation, or rather, the "melting pot" of supermassive stars, which somewhere, long before the formation of the C solar system flamed up.

Do you see how everything is interdependent? Accordingly, everything in the universe, no matter how different, has something in common, at least the periodic table of chemical elements. And in this paradigm, no matter how different the life on our planet, and in all worlds, but ( and this is important) it has a common trend of development . Accordingly, all intelligent beings in the cosmos have the same species. Even more: all worlds are identical, maximally similar in parameters. It is like differences between many parameters of people, including moral-spiritual, cognitive qualities : all have levels of norms of health, vitality, working pressure, body temperature and other . Therefore, there is a lot of life in the cosmos, and it all has one thing in common.

Now the next step, material from the secret protocols themselves about where aliens are located on our Earth. Earth. Yes- yes, you heard me. E if they are located… that is I know for a fact that they are (already now), but I want you to understand logically: they are located in places that few people pay attention to. Logically the most ideal place… think about it… is Antarctica, some deserts or taiga – places where there is no living, at least intellectual soul for thousands of kilometers. Although in the modern world from space everything e peeks out. And not logically – humming "human anthills", the busiest megacities. However all e this is not true.

The study of extraterrestrial civilizations , who have visited the Earth or are among us, has long been engaged in at the state level, strange as it may seem. After all, not only ancient manuscripts testify about it, but also many legends and myths. Now someone will say: all e is a conspiracy theory. Even the meteorite fall, because of which dinosaurs seemed to become extinct, and the Tunguska meteorite – not a natural phenomenon, but visiting the planet by some creatures. This information, unfortunately, I could not find out from the documents to which I got access with the "top secret". Wh then I want to say: either something was really located there (in the place where the Tunguska meteorite fell) and they really landed there, or someone landed there ..... Either because there was already a road there, there were many expeditions there, or they built it for an expedition there, or, sorry, someone destroyed someone or wanted to destroy… Where am I going with this? T from the secret center, in which I conduct my activities, is located in the area of Podkamennaya T unguska. And this even raises questions even for me. And questions remained even after fully familiarizing myself with the documents of this secret place engaged in the study of aliens. I think any of you would also marvel at learning the founding date of this facility. Although the date given as the opening day of "the contact center for converting trans galactic signals" may not be the fact of its founding. Either way, the opening of this center in 1908 . Surprised? Then get ready for the following: on the day of the opening ( and this is from documents, minutes of meetings) the 28th congress of contactors took place. About that to these contactors, I found out later and I will dedicate you later. I was surprised by another (though I never figured out if I understood the documented information correctly): the congress takes place at each passage of Halley's comet in maximum approach to the planet. Here now also think – guess. Moreover, the chairman of the protocol committee, someone under the code nickname DEV, was listed as a specialist of "the method of transformation of sounds occurring during the passage of exhaled air through the membranes of vocal cords" since the first congress. Maybe , code name in the documents was not changed. I was also interested in such a question coming from objective data: either the secret center itself was already there, and after that they staged a staged explosion, or a variant with an assassination attempt, which is suspicious.

I will now hasten to acquaint you with the activities of this mysterious institution. I assure you that everything I testify to has a rational grain of truth. However… you understand. In the course of studying alien civilizations you will often be both amazed and skeptical . So,

the center, of course, is equipped with the latest technology, of course, this "latest word" has not yet been "pronounced" to the general public ( not that to civil society, even to the leading intelligence services). A little bit about appearance: the object, of course, has the classic look of a bunker. Satellites can see everything . Although… the timing of the foundation discouraged me. But… okay. You will not notice the entrance itself, even if it was not camouflaged: the nearest 600 km radius from it is fenced by a dense ring of military systems. Strategic nuclear missile launch silos are located in this area. Accordingly, you understand, there is an official system that must be classified, guarded, accordingly, no one has the right to go there. The secret center for the study of alien technologies was listed (in secret documents, of course, because in other documents it was absent) as a central server station for controlling strategic forces. And at once inform: many other centers in the world are also listed as bio laboratories, government bunkers, strategic secret communication nodes, often space direction, and, of course, at least storage centers of something secret. For example, a strategic food stockpile center, strategic weapons stockpile or seed storage. Yes, there is even such a thing in case of any global disaster ; sometimes they are equipped, protected and hidden more than military facilities.

When I went to this center, the most surprising thing to me was not that I met unusual beings (or rather, they were people, but I call them beings), but that the "inhabitants" of this place were mostly unaware of the center itself. They didn't know where it was, what it was, and, you'd be surprised, had little idea of the world in which they lived. The world on a global scale.

So, let me begin to organize the documentary data into a fictional narrative, so that I don't end up as one of the fugitives in hiding who knows some of the secrets that are often portrayed by authors in books. So, I will begin to describe, with some modifications, what happened there, what I encountered . By the time you are prepared and know what we are talking about, you will find this story a little satirical. However, for the people I will be writing about, things looked very different.

By the way, I should specify: officially during this mission I did not serve in any structure, especially paramilitary; all my trips, all my activities were masked, besides the official "legend", also and under a religious mission, because the tickets, for example, for me had to be issued same.

I was certainly familiar pre with where I was going, and naturally I had an agreed program and plan. Naturally, there was a goal. Here I have to clarify something: in fact, the power you see is like some system of management, which is necessary for objective reality, for example, like the administration of your settlement. And real power is hidden. Here you do not see gravity, radiation and similar influences, but they invisibly act on us. So we see someone, we think these prime ministers, presidents are the power in the country , but in fact there are t secret committees that are far removed from the official centers of government – administrations, parliaments and other . Maybe this sounds pathetic , but, you may agree, didn't you suspect it? Did you not think about the presence of some secret structures that invisibly influence society? Of course, you suspected, and many of you are sure. However… you will never know about their existence. Although it is not quite true: you will learn from my story. And you will learn how they run the world. That is, of course, if I can publish the classified material.

A few words about the structure and components of this and similar facilities: if you have paid attention , recently it has become fashionable to make some administrative buildings out of glass. In the same style, all the interior rooms of these secret facilities are almost entirely glass . I was also surprised . And it is done this in order to completely and quickly destroy the object at a critical moment.

I believe you understood what I was trying to say.


Paradoxically , contrary to our basic instinct for self-preservation, which is the reason we evolved into the dominant species on Earth, we are destroying each other all the time. But the paradox, which I want to write about, is not that we, using innovations for this purpose, will eventually come to destroy each other with robots. By the way, while we are reading this text, robots, or rather, people with the help of robots are already destroying their own kind… So, n and any revolts of robots, which are described in fantastic literature, will not happen, at least independent, especially spontaneous, – it will happen by the will and order of people. Here is the paradox : a special program will have to be downloaded into the robots, let's call them androids. That is, as it happens very often in the history of mankind, all laws go to hell – constitutional, moral or God's ; once described three laws of robotics (provided by man for his safety) will become useless by order of the same creature – man. We ourselves will teach the robots to kill us; when they destroy us to such an extent that local boundaries of powerlessness – pockets not controlled by humans – will arise, then the already pre-conditioned programs to autonomy will control the robots without us. And they will continue to kill, because the program has already been put into them by us. This is the paradox of the instinct of self-preservation.

Eventually, if we retain our identity and autonomy, androids will become full-fledged participants in social society. Whether we or do not – this is the next stage of evolution, in which there may well be such dialogues: "You, humans, live at the expense of nature, being a part of nature itself, while we, robots, androids, also live at the expense of nature, but are not a part of it. You humans have proclaimed yourselves the crown of creation, but if you look at it from the outside, you are robots just like us, you are just missing one of the chains of logical concept. That would survive, you needed to make a quick and easy decision, so you didn't develop it. Or you can justify it in another way, which is more inherent to many of you: the gods combined two particles, made man, accordingly, two-stage thinking (good and evil) was enough for him to survive. And after that you take resources from the planet and the Sun – reproduce your own kind. We do the same, only between these processes we produce what you produce with your intellectual labor. That is, you produced us. We are just adding a couple processes from you. And in fact we do the same as you do: we take the resources of the Earth, of the Sun, of nature in general, and we produce our own kind.

However, all this is lyrical, although quite real. We will follow the vector of the main line of investigation.



: I see you, I hear you.

Рис.1 Rembrandt code

This is a story from that series of stories about which one judges whether or not to e believe in or disbelieve: a story that looks sort of plausible, but has elements of such kur ezes that are off the scale in terms of fiction. However, I must am reminded that in our world there are quite famous kur ezes that we already refer to fiction. This may concern both all sorts of mythical phenomena, all sorts of ambiguities in history, and natural phenomena, including unidentified ones. Once in this role could even be flights of comets or the so-called Northern Lights – Aurora. And now we wonder if there are aliens and life in general in the selenium, except for us. However, I would like to point out that even those levels of science, levels of technology , which are not classified, are not known to everyone. Not even because there is no information, but more because science is developing at such a speed that people do not have time to perceive and understand it . The average person does not have time to follow it all. Even scientists do not have time to systematize scientific information, because it is changing very dynamically.

Already somewhere in the 80s of the twentieth century in the learning community arose the dilemma of searching for information : finding out whether there is something or not took so much time on each occasion that finding already known information slowed down the work itself so much that in the end it could become obsolete. That is someone found and generally combined it more quickly. Search engines were just beginning to step onto their pedestal, so search was associated with communication difficulties. However, with the abundance of search engines and the increased capabilities of these search engines, the complexities did not ss lessen. It has become easier to search for information, but the information itself has become much more, so selection of that , which is needed, now is associated with additional search. For this reason, the very dilemma has arisen: what is faster – to find information or as if to "invent" e e anew. By the way, such a thing applies to one of the equations of the millennium, for the solution of which the Clay Institute yes yet a million dollars. I mentioned this as if by the way . The point is this: how to make a secret cipher so that it would be hard to decipher, but understanding it for the ciphering party would not take more time than writing this code?

Let's accept this as one of the complexities of the equation called "life" and move on to the main topic – investigation. This story came to the attention of our closed research association with the resolution of the top leadership of the intelligence services, namely the 13th department of the BGB. Yes, perhaps you will be sarcastic, but there is such a thing. The deciphering of the abbreviation can be learned only from the documentation of strict secrecy: Bureau of g global b security. Although did not spread much about it, except for the fact that outside the organization this department as if did not exist at all. This structure, which formally belonged to the department of the Security Committee, supervised the entire scientific niche on a global scale. Accordingly, you understand, all the special services of the world are not e integrated into it, although even their highest ranks do not know about it. The Bureau was especially zealous engaged in such a plausible field as the fight against pseudoscience. Yes, there is such in the structures of the Academy of Sciences. In Russia, so to speak, in civil life, that is in the society, documented 13- department is fixed by documents, on which it is marked: Bureau of Standardization and Metrology at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. By the way, this, at first glance, quite ordinary organization, being one of tentacles of the special services' sprue, supervised our research association.

It is not for nothing that I spoke about mystical phenomena that are not clear to human consciousness. You must agree that many things that once were not clear, now already cause laughter. And now there are things that seem more mystical than scientific, but will cause laughter in the future m. After all, I didn't say about living in the village for nothing. Although, I confess , the general thread of the topic is not about that. The story goes about telepathy and reading thoughts. Yes, I am reading your thoughts right now. I didn't just emphasize our profile, the study of telepathic phenomenon by the Research Institute. Our institute studied exactly how to decipher thoughts. If you think that e something secret and amazing, I hasten to disappoint you. On this field all over the world have already achieved very great success. In fact, mankind, or rather, science, or more precisely, a narrow circle of specialists, is on the border of full cognition of this possibility. Yes, we have almost already learned to read minds. Quite a lot of reliable information on this topic you can find on the network. Now there are even headsets that can be put on your head, with the help of thought you can control the computer, respectively, all the systems connected to the computer, that is, you can materialize your thoughts. At least with the help of them to control technical means based on the control of cyber programs. Very convenient for those who have a disability or injury . And the leader in the field of creative novelties , as you have already realized, is ZASLON JSC.

Naturally, the secret services were interested in it. You do realize what an advantage this is . After all, it has always been desirable for thinking beings, in this context – us , to know each other's thoughts, i.e. for a human being to know other people's thoughts. And even e more – to be able to read them at a great distance. And if they can be e transmitted meaningfully, i.e. completely under control, over distances, then it is an impenetrable trump card in the spy game.

Therefore, these developments are under control of the intelligence services.

Here I must make a little reservation and clarify some specifics of modern special services. Although they have always been like this: special services were created by those in power in order to know firsthand, officially or unofficially, the mood of their subordinates – close circle of high-ranking officials or ordinary people. Not unimportant task for them was to learn what was happening abroad , especially if the vector of interest of opponents was directed at our country. Both an ordinary person and extraordinary people, as themselves considered themselves, wanted to know what they were saying and thinking about them, on what material ground they were trying to realize their plans, if any. As a rule, there was always such a thing. Incidentally, political and industrial espionage was born out of such curiosity, which in turn was conceived by gossip, intrigue and suspicion. And, of course, there was always the problem of information transfer – both one way and the other: from the center to its agents, from the agents to their center. And zob acquired methods of information transfer, which are fantastic in themselves. Even ordinary methods that have been used for a very long time, thanks to the seven-mile steps of technology and science development, have evolved into very bizarre states, which will be surprising for people unaware. For example, for more than 100 years there is a technology that at home allows with the help of a lens and artisanal made photographic film to place a very large volume of text on a small piece of material.

I understand your longing, so I will try to move quickly to the essence of the most incident (note: it consists of three episodes), for the reason of which the investigation was initiated.

However, this story will be presented to you in the fabula of a fantastic story for the sake of not getting, let's face it, into disfavor with me. And to judge whether it is true or false is your right.

So, all intelligence services outwardly look like organizations, having a scientifically sound structure and subject to the legal status of state attributes. But at the very top of the intelligence services is a clan. A clan that runs everything and anything. This is not an assumption or conspiracy theory element, it is actually true, I have been in these structures since my childhood. What did you think, you could get into the holy of holies just off the street? No matter how ace you are, you will never get past the unspoken lines. Agree, when you have such power, you can well present and position your presence, with all attributes and rights, on the one hand, as something taken for granted, and on the other hand – as a structure created for the benefit of all people in the state, as well as the state itself and its structures of power. However, even with the naked eye it is noticeable that the intelligence services have t influence on any cluster of power, and are themselves beyond the reach of civil society's control. It follows from this: the one who can judge and be indefensible is always at the top of power. Well, this is just a slight digression.

I have already made a reservation : if I had published these lines earlier, at the time when everything was happening, and this was happening under the omnipotence of that organization, which not by hearsay controlled everything and everything in the state, and even now scans the society, – I might not be here, and even now I still risk a lot. Therefore, there are some nuances that I cannot voice to you, accordingly, I present information in the form of fiction. Although, in fact, I do not publish e e in full version. Well certainly, I will say frankly, I will not disclose state secrets. I just want to tell you about an investigation, purely internal, in our research bureau, connected m with mind reading. Yes- yes. Scientifically, with the phenomenon of telepathy. But the case was not about the phenomenon. It cannot be characterized that way, otherwise it was not a so-called natural or divine, whoever one wants to call it, gift. It will be to some extent about the discovery, invention of methodology of one unique, I will not call it differently, representative of the human species. That's how I'm going to label him. Believe me, what he invented, did, invented, realized is quite worthy of the epithet "unique". As you have already assumed, my whole story, my whole me detective story is connected with him.

Chapter 3: The Phantom

Рис.3 Rembrandt code

The investigator, being even an employee of such an important institution, tried to be as polite as possible with the lady who applied to their department, because she, first of all, was referred to them by the foreign intelligence service, and secondly, was the wife of the professor – the unspoken genius of the secret project "DUBLFEIS".

– Good afternoon, Veniamin Moiseyevich. I would like to know what became with that citizen who was arrested in the case of blackmailing me?

The investigator, after a few seconds of silent looking around at the visitor, said:

– M didn't arrest him. If that's what you're referring to again. I apologize, as a matter of procedure, he was questioned and sent....

– And you're telling me he's out there now? – n she cut him off abruptly.

– We had no reason to detain him, – without expressing the mimicry and tone of change, replied the inspector for special cases of the investigative committee.

In response, she stared at him with fiercely bulging eyes and began to scan the investigator with her gaze ; wrinkles appeared on her face, giving it an indignant, even more furious expression. This stage of silent communication lasted for about five seconds .

– We sent him for psychiatric examination, – apparently, not waiting for a burst of emotions, calmly, as before, answered the officer of the law, after which their dialog again passed to the stage of silence.

It is not known for what reason the late professor's wife kept silent, but the silence of the investigator was apparently related to what he said next.

– Unfortunately, he got away.

Now the woman still e opened her mouth. The inspector continued in his serene manner:

–And since he never showed himself or contacted you again, we had no reason to look for him. It's still the duty of the Internal Affairs Department.

Seeing the boundary of the visitor's outburst of emotion, he hastened to clarify the situation:

– And sorry, but… – he hesitated, anticipating the imminent end of her silence, – I understand you understand, but… – now he took a note of silence, – agree, we can't arrest everyone who is talking nonsense, excuse me, who was pointed out by a citizen. And I'm sure the police department won't be looking for every crazy person either.

Suddenly she spoke out calmly, albeit in a slightly elevated tone:

– But he came and told me everything my husband knew. All my secrets. That…" she stopped talking, looked away, and finished quieter: – There was no way he could have known that.

The next thing she said in a whisper:

– Could you set me up with a so-called crazy person?

– No," the investigator replied dryly. – What's your point?

She stared at him intently, studying him . The investigator involuntarily became embarrassed and looked away.

– See, I feel like I'm him… like he's not him.

– How's that?

– It felt strange, like I'd met him somewhere before.

Now Moiseyevich studied her facial expression with a slightly amazed expression, as evidenced by the slightly bulging and slightly slanted eyes.

– I'd like to be examined. I'd like to get an expert opinion.

– Why do you need an expert opinion? There was a doctor's report. First of all, your husband worked in a secret research institute called ZASLON, and there's no right to take classified materials out of there. No one would have left you the chip. It was removed. That's right. This lunatic didn't have one. And the fact that he made up some nonsense, I'm sorry.

– What nonsense? He even told our intimate secrets.

– I don't know," said the investigator, – maybe your husband drunkenly blabbed something to him from .

After saying the visitor became agitated, the mask of indignation again appeared on her face:

– You know, I'm very unhappy with your attitude.

– Excuse me, – the investigator said in his serene manner, – what can I say, it's an assumption: there came an unknown type, started to say something to you, you somehow think he's blackmailing you. What was he blackmailing you with?

– He allegedly conveyed to me the husband's request, which he said was for insurance purposes. Allegedly he had contacted him just before his mysterious disappearance.

– Sorry, a mysterious disappearance to you. For us, it's all very clear.

– Okay? Why is that? My husband wasn't an agent- conspirator.

– Oh yes … apparently you didn't know him well.

– I would ask you.

– I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but, uh.

– He couldn't have known events ahead of time.

– However could have planned them.

– What are you trying to say?

The investigator looked away, thoughtful.

Indeed the professor in question was a unicum in his own right: he defended his dissertation at the age of 26, received his degree in 31, and in 32 became the author of a revolutionary scientific development in the field of neurolinguistic programming. In 33 he demonstrated a method of incubation of a cloned body. In the same year – a method of recording human consciousness into a digital form; in 35 – a method of loading a digital form of consciousness into a cloned body; in 36 he received a foreign patent for his invention, which, by the way, he demonstrated in violation of the statute of the closed research institute at an international exhibition of modern weapons. And… no one was able to repeat his method, invention. Or maybe even a discovery. This was a good reason to authorize the detention of the scientist by the competent authorities in order to find out, among other things, whether anyone else knows the secrets of the technology he implemented. After all, it changed the whole structure of human and mankind existence – it was possible to clone oneself young and, repeating this process, to be… eternally alive… and even more – to be different. After all, consciousness could be downloaded into any body.

Reflecting on this, staring at the monitor, ostensibly analyzing what he had heard from the visitor , the investigator was about to ask " what is it?" as she, having made a second pause, carried on: .

– P asked me to zero out all the accounts. How is that even possible? And my husband didn't have any small grants. And e, – she paused again for a couple of seconds, – it turned out that for some reason he had been transferred a very large amount of currency to his international account . An account I didn't know about. This guy did.

– This we also figured out and tried to block all kinds of accounts, – the investigator tried to calm e e down.

– Tell me, please, why didn't you take action to apprehend this blackmailer? And why don't I have access to his accounts, but you do?

– Access to your family accounts? We don't have access to them, we blocked them as part of the investigation procedure.

– Not to family, to offshore and trust.

– Are you sure they exist? I'm sorry, I'm still investigating. I have to ask.

E e face again overflowed with indignation.

– Am I sure?! And this is what – she pulled out of her purse a very expensive go brand sheet- statement from a crypto exchange, showing two accounts with two denominations of cryptocurrencies.

One listed 20 thousand units, the other 5 thousand . The yellow marker circled the amounts at the exchange rate at the time the statement was taken. The sums seen made the investigator slightly embarrassed, to say the least. By virtue of his position, by the level of cases that he had to handle, he had encountered larger sums, but… this was a servant of science. His inquisitive and trained eye figured out another e one peculiarity : the lady took the document from Hermès handbag, namely – from Matte Crocodile Birkin, which was sold at auction for about 203 thousand dollars. His suspicions of a conspiracy component in the script of Rembrandt's drama increased. His reflections put him into a lethargic state, from which he was brought out by the lady's question.

– Am I sure?! What do you say now?

– And where did you get this data from?

– From your madman, as you like to call him.

– Why would he give you that kind of information?

– He had a specific request, he's as crazy as you think he is.

– Let's stay within the bounds of tactfulness.

– Yeah, you should.

– What's the request?

She faltered a little.

– I am listening to you. You came to me for some purpose, – said the investigator in a questioning tone, assessing the visitor with an inquisitive look.

O on looked around, more out of habit, – there was no one in the office, bent slightly toward the investigator and said quietly:

– And do you keep a record?

– No, why? Not yet. If I'm recording, I should warn you. Is there something you want to tell me?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– I'm listening.

She bent e.

– I all e understand, but all options have been tried. The only thing left is yours.

She was intriguingly silent. Now the investigator looked around involuntarily, looked questioningly at the not e.

– He asked to unlock his computer, then password key generation files, then log into his accounts and transfer the cryptocurrency to an account from which to cash them out. Or use them as currency in electronic payments.

– Hmm, how can I help you? – asked the investigator, thinking for a second. – If even I agree, to you understand to whom and what you are offering, right?

– Absolutely. I told you. I went to ZASLON , they wouldn't let me into his cell block. It's locked and sealed. No security clearance. Maybe you can… You can easily get a search warrant.

– Of course it is. It's investigative procedure. And I've already been there.

– When? may I know…? – she asked with a touch of indignation.

– After I arranged for you to meet with… – the investigator did not continue, she understood everything.

The woman said something else while he was distracted by his own thoughts.

this student had sort of a second family. Very strange, to say the least, regarding the concept of "family". In fact – no family it was not, in content – also relatively. Once he resorted to the help of a surrogate mother, but this very mother announced after the birth that the baby had died, she herself handed the baby over to another family – people who also hired her as surrogate mother . Such a curiosity.

In the process of walking in the labyrinth of the investigation he discovered these white spots of his official biography as details of peripheral history. And they appeared in no less curious turns of the trajectory of the described story: the lady lived on her own; the child, knowing nothing about his true mother or his true father, grew up safely in a family that considered his own child. And they knew nothing of the surrogate's deception. She turned out to be quite a e thing: she tried many people, matched them by blood type and appearance. And this was not her first experience.

However, a genius would not be a genius if he did not understand such a primitive illusion. This lady he had arranged in advance as an assistant in the laboratory of ZASLON JSC. And after such a falsehood with the child, which of course he did not discard, because his suspicions grew stronger and stronger over the years, he decided to put two balls in a hole with one stroke: having lured the surrogate mother into his laboratory, he subjected her to ultrasound at brain frequency, from which she fell temporarily into unconsciousness. After injected her with a syringe microchip in the hypothalamus area, integrated it into central nervous system and without any questioning and interrogation could already know, by decoding the outgoing signals using his methodology, all what her information box – brain – stored.

Finding the girl was not an easy task, the parents cleared all traces , through which the baby girl in the future could learn about the procedure of her conception and birth. However, this barrier too was taken down by the frustrated father within a couple years. After finding her e, he showed some great restraint – he didn't let him know for several years, watched the child from the sidelines. In the end, he decided to endow her with his own invention. To this end, he developed a grandiose production: the father of one of the girl's friends was a graduate student at a technical university. To him he sent a proposal to become a developer of one of the options of the program to calculate the mechanism of signal transmission through nerve cells. The offer was made with an impressive mantle: he was offered to continue the work of Dr. Chailakhyan, a doctor of biological sciences. Thus, as if by the way, it involved him in an experimental program related to work on a chip that was actually already developed. Next, as sya says, sleight of hand and no fraud, that is, the art of suggestion and… lust for the upcoming celebrity. Oh, and money never fails to work wonders. The daughter of a graduate student was shown a virtual reality mask with maximum immersion in the illusion. Permission was granted to show the gimmick to a friend. Choosing a day when the children were practically alone, the mask option was remotely turned on, which emitted the very infrasounds that human hearing does not perceive . And after the girl passed out, they simulated her fall; as a consequence – a small hematoma in the place where the same chip was implanted in the not e. Of course, for the purpose of purity of the experiment, as our genius had conditioned the graduate student. By the way, his daughter was warned in advance that this could happen: you can faint – and then urgently need to call Daddy. In the end, and she became the owner of a unique chip, although she herself did not know about it. By the way, the surrogate mother, , was also unaware of her possession of such a contraption.

– …Here's my suggestion," p rossued from the lady, which brought the investigator out of his musing.

– I'm sorry, of course, – he replied, not quite understanding what the sentence was, – but I dare not detain you any longer. You will be informed of the results of the investigation.

– What? – about to another temper tantrum.

The investigator stood up, walked over to her and pointed with his hand toward the exit.

– Do you have any idea what you're offering me, e and on duty. Please come out, otherwise I will have to reassign you to another status on investigation.

– Like, that's all e what can you do? – t now she said a little pitifully .

– I'll let you know. I'll try to help," he said, stretching his words, looking at her and squinting his left eye. – And now go about your business. Or better home, have a rest… and most importantly – do not tell anyone about our dialog and about what you told me. After all, this is all based on a dialog with interfering nny … sorry, but you can be included in this category.

She opened her mouth. She wanted to object. He showed her an open palm at the level of her face, signaled "be quiet," and again pointed to the exit. The woman stood up, did not take her eyes off him, made incomprehensible movements with her lips, went to the exit, stayed at the door, looked at the investigator, got a nod from him and went out.


According to her confession, she was expecting a signal from the investigator for a meeting in a non- official format. However, instead of this she received a signal again from the same "madman" and paid another visit to the investigator with no less angry mood .

Almost from the doorstep she declared:

– H I would like to know why all of our family accounts have been zeroed out by your organization?

– We didn't zero out anything, we seized the accounts temporarily.

– Have you looked at my latest billing records?

Slightly miffed, Moiseyevich replied:

– No. What about them? – he said warily and began entering data on the keyboard in front of the monitor.

– So I suggest you ask," said the wife of the deceased scholar, again changing to an indignant tone. – There is no money in my accounts, that is, in my husband's accounts," she said with reproach.

– Okay, I'll ask about it. Don't be nervous, please, I understand your condition, but… – he stopped talking for a moment, ran his eyes over the monitor without looking up at the woman, and slowly continued: – I will make a request, try to find out what happened, and get back to you.

After mutual silence Moiseevich, without raising his head, looked at the lady and began to study the information in the computer again; asked just as calmly, without taking his eyes off the screen:

– Has no one come to you, asked you through other channels of communication, or inquired about anything, perhaps not even related to the situation at hand?

– Are we going to make me a patient of a psychiatric hospital now? – n unexpectedly from she reacted with such sarcastic question. – I don't have access to the accounts! But you do!

– I do not advise you to speak to an off duty officer in such a tone. At the very least, you are not assisting the investigation," said the investigator without emotion, and after a few moments of waiting, watching the change in her gaze not for the better, he summarized urgently: – D let me find out what's wrong with your accounts first, and then we'll deal with it. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Perhaps it was the banks themselves who transferred the funds to the reserve accounts to avoid fraud.


That same evening, the investigator was sorting through responses to requests from banks and b juro credit histories. There was no amazement on his face, although there was something to be amazed about, – all the funds that had mysteriously ended up in the anonymous offshore accounts of the accountant had just as mysteriously disappeared. The amounts that were in the accounts of a leading specialist of a closed research association, though not an oligarch, should have also aroused distress. For him, he was an ordinary student. Although… perhaps not ordinary. The professor, who was listed in the development of special services under code name Rembrandt, was the author of a method, of course, classified, the translation of signals emitted by the brain in the process of mental activity into visually understandable is. Simply put, translation of thoughts into words and pictures. The uniqueness of the method was not so much in this, as in the revolutionary technique of reverse conversion, that is, he could write text and pictures into the brain, program it.

According to a report from the banks, the accounts were transferred to an international trust account registered in the Cayman Islands. The strange thing was that all e was done on behalf of the owner of the accounts using his codes and passwords. At one should have been surprised after all. The reason for the surprise should have been the fact that the account holder had been m victims for three days already.


4: The God Complex

Рис.4 Rembrandt code

The first thing I did was to pay a visit to the head of the secret laboratory at ZASLON JSC – Dr. N . I will refer to him as (there are several laboratories at the enterprise, all secret). In addition to his main activity, he also practiced psychiatry. E Naturally, my first question – where did it all start?

– It started s, – he gave a questioning look, – probably with what you know too. That's where it all started. That's why you're here, isn't it?

– And all same?

The interlocutor said lazily:

– In our secret research institute, a leading specialist engaged in the development of technology for deciphering the brain's mental signals into alphabetic signals suddenly died. To put it simply, our brain emits signals, which in light of the modern level of science is not even surprising at all. The brain is a complex device, accordingly, if less complex, i.e. all our other organs, have their own background level, then the brain, in which signaling processes take place, emits everything no weaker than the rest. Accordingly, you understand, if it is possible to read information, those very radiation signals, from a computer hard disk at a distance, then why it is impossible to decipher brain signals… It is possible, and the signals of other organs too. After all, electrocardiogram is also a reflection of signals. It is possible to read signals from any organ and decipher them into the familiar verbal form, let's say. Once upon a time, what was going on inside a person, inside organs, was a mystery and bordered on magic. Although people used to cut up animals and see what was inside.

– Animals too," I jokingly quipped.

Seeing a slightly confused expression on his face, explained:

– W animals also cut up people, so people saw what they had there. As an option, not counting executions, cannibalism, accidents, consequences of wars.

– B certainly. With accordingly, against this background, the prohibition of the church , and other religious organizations, to conduct research of human entrails smells of superstition, smells of fear of violation of monopoly. After all, the religious syndicates themselves have been cutting up e how, and since the times of human sacrifice.

– I quite understand the logic of the person who was guided by the attitude to search for such a possibility. The basis of his thought. He judged, including … – I hesitated a bit, – say , here is and blood analysis – this is also a deciphering of the data of the state of the organism. It's an analysis of everything. Data of ultrasound, computer and magnetic resonance imaging and many other types of studies. Encephalogram of the brain is the first letter in this alphabet . By it doctors decipher quite a wide range of data n e only about the state of health.

– I'm pleased with our consensus. That's why I want to reveal to you advanced data. Nowadays science, not even its hypostasis hidden from the public, has reached the level where it is possible to translate brain signals into a verbal, alphanumeric video sequence. More precisely, you can decipher what's going on in your head," o n smiled, and I ironically under shaking my lips, looked at him sideways.

He, almost copying my manner, said in a low tone:

– T about what you think… little what is in your memory.

For a couple of seconds we stared into each other's eyes in silence. Without taking his hypnotic gaze away, he summarized:

– And here the specialist who was engaged in the development of these methods, who had actually and practically already achieved success, who was about to publish them, suddenly dies. Of course, this interested our security service, and the special services , which supervise our security service. Here you are.

– In the course of our investigation, we came across a very interesting situation. And it became interesting when we found out the following… As you realized, I didn't come to you for nothing, – the doctor leaned back in his chair and tuned in to listen. – Our hero was a patient of yours.

After hearing this, the doctor again returned to his previous posture: he moved closer to the table, put one hand on the table, and took his glasses with the other . However, he did not need them, at least to answer the question of the representative of the mysterious organization.

I did not change my intonation, I continued the dialog in the same way, I asked:

– Are you familiar with a character like Chulfa Stefan?

– Oh, that's who you're talking about. Yes, I had a client like that. I for myself noted his diagnosis. You see, people with a diagnosis like that don't accept it. They can become very aggressive.

– What's the diagnosis?

– I put him on theomania.

I raised my eyebrows, staring silently at the doctor. He understood the need to make a correction.

– It's a disorder where outwardly you don't notice anything special. You have to agree that a lot of can be classified as such.

– I within my specifics am a little knowledgeable about your professional terminology. Does this diagnosis suggest megalomania?

– Not exactly, though there is such a thing. It's when an individual is convinced that he is-" the doctor paused intriguingly, "God," he smiled, "or, more modestly, divinely inspired to think and act.

Said changed the expression on my face, I expressed a soundless laugh.

– And how did you determine this, by what his actions or words ? P on what criteria is identified?

– Uh-oh, you should talk to our patients.

I expressed the question again with raised eyebrows.

– No, not the ones who are treated here," the doctor reacted to such emotion, – believe me, we all have some degree of psychiatric illness. I run a private practice as well. I have a special contingent of clients coming, or rather, observed by me for preventive purposes . After all, we are all superstitious. Someone in the devil believes , someone in the house or unclean force, angels … in B oga. And understanding of this is purely individual, interpreted in their own way each . We believe in our imagination… imagined by us. And we want to convince others and the one who is not like us. T o is healthy, by the standards of psychiatry , we want to infect with our superstitions, considering them vicious, i.e. sick. But, alas, I have a lot of things I don't have to voice. You understand.

– About yes. I've encountered both godlessness and godheadedness more than once.

–Well and turnovers you have.

– See, we're in that legion, too.

– Yes- yes, but don't go to the barricades or the front lines. Just quietly smoking a cup of coffee.

I sighed.

– R assay what was bothering him.

– Now that you think of it, how about this very coffee?

– Thank you in advance.

The gray sky outside the window and the dim, matte light in the room were not conducive to conversation . Coffee, especially the aroma , which I especially appreciated in this drink, and the ritual of its consumption ( I prefer without sugar, so I always combine the drink with something sweet), like a magic elixir, transformed both the landscape outside the window and the background in the office .

– A god complex is not a clinical diagnosis.

The professor's voice distracted me from my thoughts. " With lava God," I thought, for they were inspired by the dim view outside the window.

– It's not in the DSM," the doctor continued as he approached a table with a coffee maker and two cups on a tray with a handle. – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," he explained the professional acronym. – H e likes to distract the staff because of an unprofessional request," he said, placing the tray on the table.

– God complex? – I inquired about the term.

– Yes, that's what we call him," the doctor expressed a chuckle. – H e is a narcissistic disorder, which is often confused with it.

– Uh-oh, you think I'm good at this. Somewhere something just clicked – and that's it.

The doctor was understandingly silent in response, pouring coffee into cups .

– It manifests itself in people who tend to consider their opinion to be the only correct one," the psychiatry specialist began to explain the symptoms . – In addition, not noticing their mistakes or justifying them . This is such a complex of behavioral problems and experiences. As a rule, such patients are irritated by criticism of themselves. They are also characterized by inflated self-esteem .

I remained silent. I was becoming more and more interested in the practice of the person to whom my investigation had led me. He, having caught the silent "signal," complemented :

– People with theomania have difficulty recognizing or accepting another person's experience.

I've learned the professional terminology.

– As a rule, they are not interested in anyone, they do not like to listen to others, only if it is for their benefit: they are often self-absorbed. And, as usual, this whole complex leads to gaslighting.

The doctor paused for a second, looked intently at me, handed me a coffee and said:

–E then a facet of this complex in which the client denies anyone's reality . Not everyone, of course .

– Customer ? – from curving my lips , said I.

– It's a professional syndrome. It's like they say, "You can't go wrong with anyone.

– And what was it about our client? – a little louder and more cheerfully I asked, signaling an interest purely in the client's case.

– You know, he surprised me right away. He didn't have any special manifestations, but…" Dr. was a little quiet, lowering his voice before doing so.

– What?" I lowered my tone and asked almost warily.

– Everything revolved around one task or problem. He never really defined what it was for him. He kept asking me to explain how his consciousness would react if he suddenly became younger.

– Both- on. What do you mean?

– Here. All the time. I try to hint to him about his complex, and he only shows interest around this topic.

– Paid?

– I told you, I'm in private practice. You want to charge me with using government property?

– God forbid. That's not our department.

We smiled.

– Paid… more and more.

– So what did he want? You must have explained all e to him right away.

– All e, not all e. He asked me to outline his new life. After my question, " h what do you want to change?" he surprised me quite a bit. He started squirming in his chair, looking around, examining the office, noticing my curiosity, expressed partly by repeating his gaze. I began to involuntarily look for the object of his interest, because he even looked under the table, which was quite unseemly. The symptoms were manifesting themselves. Behavior characteristic of people with persecution mania. I only had to test him for megalomania, – the doctor paused again , – he didn't wait long, he said, that he could become the manager of our institute. I smiled a little at this, to which I received: " D what is there institute , I can become…" He didn't finish, started drilling the badge on my robe with his gaze. Then he got up and left. And that was it. When I asked him " what did you want?" he looked around, lingered in the doorway a bit, thanked me and left. Anyway, the symptoms were just pouring out of him, pardon such jargon . I didn't go looking for him.

– Yeah, that's a bit of a bummer. And here I am waiting for a reliable thread in the maze he created…

– So, why don't you tell me about this maze?

– In the course of the investigation, consultants and participants in the case in general, even unwittingly, become aware of some of the information in the case, despite the secrecy of the investigation. I can tell you, – I added thoughtfully, which sounded somewhat fatal . – You only have to sign a non-disclosure agreement… and you become a person of interest in the case.

– You've surprised me once again. I have been on the case for a long time without even knowing about your investigation. Isn't that right?

I looked at the interlocutor , expressing goodwill with a slight smile, slightly raising my shoulders and slightly spreading my hands, while opening my palms. The gesture and facial expressions made it clear – there was no way without it.

– In the foreign intelligence material a certain type, through whom information from your regime enterprise was transmitted or leaked, we don't know exactly yet, is listed under this data.

– Hmm. And what did he report? who's his accomplice here?

– I can't tell you what he said. I can only give you a general idea… – I was quiet for a moment, thinking about what I could tell him without compromising security, because he, like everyone else, was still a suspect . – My materials are related to the work of your suddenly deceased employee, which makes the event doubly suspicious.

– Uh, I said something's not right. I'll do my best.

Chapter 5: Hello brain

Рис.2 Rembrandt code

…The next person I met with about the issues I was interested in was the head of the cyber security service of ZASLON JSC. In my file cabinet, I identified him as "Mr. citizen A ntivirus". A man of medium height, about fifty years old, he looked like Charlie Chaplin, the i known from his famous movies.

Here I must make one more one small digression in order to remind you once again what level of technology is in your use and what the intelligence services may have in relation to it. As an example, I will cite the already known to you story with present to the U.S. Ambassador . And story is as follows: on August 4, 1945, a delegation of Soviet pioneers presented U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman with a gift – a wooden i of the Great Seal of the United States. The ambassador hung the gift on the wall in his office at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, not realizing that an endovibrator was built inside.

With the help of an endovibrator, Soviet secret services bugged the residence of the US ambassador – "Spaso House" – located in a historic mansion in Moscow for seven years. During this time, four ambassadors were replaced, the interior of the office was changed more than once, but the wooden Great Seal invariably remained the main decoration.

The endovibrator was discovered by accident in 1951 when a radio operator at the British Embassy, which is located in Moscow 700 meters from the U.S. Embassy, scanning the airwaves, heard English-speaking speech. Engineer Don Bailey, sent to check, was unable to find the "bug," suspecting that the Soviet secret services had turned off the device at that point. The endovibrator was finally discovered only in 1952, when the room was checked once again during the change of ambassador.

Ask me why I'm mentioning this. T of the level of technology that I have had to work with, and sometimes be a tester, part developer, is of such a high order that will cause you to distrust . For example, you have a cell phone, but you don't know all of its functions. I often use it as an example, because it is always with you, even more – it has become a part of your body ( accordingly, its micro version, implanted in your body and integrated into your nervous and cognitive system, will be welcomed; in other words, for many employees of ZASLON JSC it is already a necessary attribute of life and work). It entered our life very quickly. Imagine, even before your eyes the changes in the capabilities of technology are so rapid that some would have seemed to you a fantasy even years twenty years ago. What is there twenty, you do not have time to study the existing technologies, and not secret, civilian, as others appear. E if you as a child were told about the possibilities of your cell phone, because with it you can do what was once the dream of spies, just fantastic technology, – you would count … yes no, you would not, the time period matters. … you would not believe, and many of the programs capabilities would not understand . For example, a person who was born at the time of the birth of mobile communication and lived about a hundred years, not that would have s seemed fantastic in his childhood possibilities of technology to his old age, no, he simply, as I said, would not understand what we are talking about. And the rate of such transformations – changes in the capability of technology – will increase algebraically. Now I hope it will be easier for you to imagine the near future, when your mobile with all the technical tricks that are and will be become the size of a small pea, will be implanted directly into your brain, and it will begin to be powered by your body heat.

It is e surprising, of course, that it is possible to spy on people with the help of a cell phone . The remote activation of cameras and microphones is no surprise to anyone. And it is done almost officially, almost all the time. You even notice the strange appearance of advertising offers, not set in the search for services and goods, but just mentioned in the conversation. In you talk on the cell phone about something, and then you have contextual advertising on this topic. Even when the smartphone is off, it sends a signal to its base station. Many people try to change their address, their online data, with this stay anonymous. Now imagine yourself not on this side of the network, but inside it. In all your actions, whether it is sending emails, calls, searching for information, geolocation and so on, – all e is as if connected by a thread, which is seen by the programs that provide these opportunities. Accordingly, those on the other side of the network, who have access to the servers that connect all your locations to each other, see these connections and actions. And it's not a secret. Therefore, it is impossible to hide.

Why am I saying the truths that are already practically for everyone? B you have certainly heard this statement : B og knows your every thought and thought. Have you heard it? Now materialize B og. E that statement has taken on a different meaning, hasn't it? Here- here. If you are not schizophrenic, if you believe in B yep, then you must believe in peculiar system administrators in is of angels and cherubs of such a server as your brain. Now let's imagine these "system administrators" in the reality of our world as people who have the ability to read your mind. Difficult? Improbable? Go back a couple lines higher in and read about the belief in the possibilities of technology. After all, back then it was amazing and fantastic, but now what I said ( again, it matters what time you are reading these lines; in oz perhaps already access to human thoughts has become commonplace), is not only not new, but already old . In the general context of the narrative – I am talking about the everyday life of my activity, and in particular – about the process around the activity of our main character.

Many politicians nowadays, business people or just paranoid people try not to use cell phones: they are afraid of surveillance . However, they still use communication – with a regular phone or through their couriers. And couriers, of course, have cell phones, which they use to give out orders coming from their boss. Inside, that is, on the other side of you, inside the server, let's say , this whole spectacle is seen role by role. You may not use a cell phone, but they see the buzzing around your "hive" those who periodically contact your employees, controlled organizations, and just family and friends. They do not see you, although can turn on the cameras on the devices of your employees, your couriers, trusted persons and use them to listen directly conversation with you, see you including, as well as all e what is going on around . You may not use the Internet, but if you are not a hermit and have some activity, – they all e still see the consequences of your contacts, actions.

This is roughly like tracking in space. For example, you can use the light from a star to determine its e chemical composition, but the star may be millions of light years away; while even traveling at the speed of light, you will not reach it in the lifetime of human civilization . Perhaps this star is already dead, and light e still e coming to us . And perhaps in thousands of years the same study will be done again on Earth, this light will have changed so much that we will be able to determine completely different data . Perhaps there will be life on this star, or rather on a planet near it , will go and send a radio signal at the speed of light . When it comes to cosmic distances, even the speed of light and radio waves (300 thousand km/s) is not very fast. A civilization could form, for example, in a neighboring galaxy (2.5 million light years away), send us a signal, and when it reaches us, either we are gone or they . There can be another curiosity: when information about them will reach us , when we will process it , understand what we are talking about, understand their life, peculiarities of civilization, send them greetings from us – they will be gone, and we will not even know about it. Then again e and again e we will receive signals from them, send answers, as if we will negotiate with the nonexistent civilization. It is like an audio or video recording of a deceased person : he is not there, but on the recording he is there. That's how it is, to osmosis. It's huge. For our concepts its values of distance and time have quite a different meaning. I say this for to make you understand what concepts can be operated by beings who live forever. And you think it is impossible? I have to send you back again to our astonishment about technical evolution within the time cycle of our life. Just imagine the changes that will occur in the next thousand years. What's a thousand, already brain cloning, hypnotic or neurolinguistic, is nothing new. And in secret laboratory, which is the subject of this book, has already reached the level of recording directly into the brain information as in technical gadgets.

Now for the next step. I mentioned cell phones not for nothing, not for a red word, and about the level of technology too. In terms of technical capabilities mobile and phone- then can not be called, it is a portable computer actually, combines voice recorder, video camera, camera, mobile bank and a lot of other things. Now imagine it in that pea I mentioned above. Imagine, with all these functions, it is sewn into your brain, connected yen with your nervous system, with the help of it you can do all the functions you did with your cell phone. So you don't even have to watch TV anymore. You can close your eyes and watch movies in your brain, listen to music, communicate with your thoughts, give orders , know everything about your body. Exactly all e, because what is happening in your body, first of all knows your central nervous system, "reports" everything to the "commander" – the brain. And what is reflected, for example, in the analysis of urine, blood or so on, are already consequences and additional factors. It is like determining the composition of a star by spectral analysis of its light, the presence of planets in orbit and, perhaps, the presence of biological life. First of all, the brain reacts to everything e, it controls everything e and knows everything e. It is enough to connect to the brain – and you can learn everything e about your body. After all, when you give blood , for example, it is examined to find out what is inside. And who controls all this e? Who controls, for example, the level of sugar , which organ needs what nutrients from the liver to carry, which portion to distribute to each organ, which part of the blood needs to be cleaned in the kidneys and so on? M osg. E sli to speak figuratively , blood tests or urine – is when you catch a spy and interrogate what's going on at headquarters. And when you connect to the brain – this, by the same type of comparison , means that you took classified material directly from headquarters, got into the computer where the classified information is stored, and read everything e from there.

Why am I saying this? In that secret system, in which I was active, and certainly in that secret organization, with which our story is connected, everyone was implanted with a microchip, which simultaneously allowed to know everything about their organism, to communicate with each other by means of thoughts, that is silently, to communicate with the computer and all technical devices, which had this communication system, to be in the system W i-F i and Bluetooth for ordinary mobile devices, and of course – security services. Management structures already monitor all and know everything that is going on in the heads of citizens, but in organizations like "ZASLON"… Well you know what I mean.

Chapter 6: A telepath at will.

Рис.5 Rembrandt code

– … The case began when one of the agents died. Well, he's not really dead. I told you, I was investigating anomalous events. Particularly those about which there are not unsubstantiated claims, but well-documented evidence, with a psychiatrist's resolution on the main character of the event. In our research center we have collected such people, about whom from the outside we can say – crazy. Most claim to have been possessed by someone, some spirit, aliens. Many of them have been on other planets, almost universally. but many of them. They claim to have died and been resurrected. And the main – they were periodically stolen by aliens. Well, that sort of thing…

To say I was confused and surprised by all of this is misdirecting my reaction to what I heard. I involuntarily embarrassed myself. More because of the awkwardness of giving away my irony. But my facial expressions gave me away. True, I never could tell whether the man understood it as a smirk or as surprise; there was no response. Perhaps I had a bias toward him. The interlocutor, although he was in charge of security, positioned himself not so much as a representative of the power cohort, but as a scientific adept. When I looked at him with understanding of his "report", what he said began to be taken more seriously but again left in the dark – was he joking, was he testing me or…?

It' s nothing, – continued the interlocutor, – it seemed to me, I'm not the first to whom he tells these dubious cases… some people claimed all sorts of strange things, which then began to be confirmed experimentally in fact.

I tried to listen to him without showing even a twitch of facial muscles. Understood as an absolute fantasy, and not the healthiest one at that, he couldn't have substantiated such a thing. Then what? Had to come to an understanding in the process.

– One of the participants of the experiment talked about knowing the coordinates of a planet that has the same life as on Earth. He described the region of space where it is located and named the coordinates. The thing is that no one had studied this area of space, at first, of course, everyone took his statement with a smile. It was e before he was in the center. He wrote to all authorities, to ufological societies, even to the presidents of space powers sent video message . In the end he got so annoyed … took into account his academic degree, h2s, and so – little … that in the process of space mission with the help of telescopes, directly space telescope "James Webb", it was decided to redirect him to this area. After preliminary results, which were in favor of his claims, listened to the area with radio telescopes at one of the test sites of the concern "ZASLON". By the way, test site was located on the back side of the Moon.

My surprise was accompanied by an ironic smile.

– P I understand your skepticism, but if the moon rovers were working there officially, why can't we do experiments unofficially . And what do you think?

– And what do I think?

– You think everything matched his version.

– Exactly, that's exactly what I thought… or think, I don't know, – cheerfully I replied, to make clear my healthy skepticism, which coincided with the tone of the interlocutor , and to hint about my intention to conduct the dialog not as a protocol.

– So, I hasten to surprise you, – also moving to a more friendly manner, continued the man, – he wasn't just talking about this location.

No matter how hard I tried to hide my surprise, my smile gave me away all the same.

– I, and not only, also had such a reaction, and is not clear – to what and whom.

– What and who?

– According to these coordinates they determined the star, near which was the cause of variable radiation, which spoke about the presence of a planet there, and with an increased amount of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.

– Ah, that's what it turns out to be. And, of course, that already spoke of the possible existence of biological life on this planet. That's genius.

– We too had an ironic smile at first. And in the end, having determined the temperature of the planet, which was within the habitable zone, the ironic smile was replaced by a thoughtful contemplation.

– Hmmm, well, of course, all the research findings are kept confidential, under the cover of… let -let me guess… top secret?

– Or else .

– All right, I almost believe it. So what are our brothers saying?

In this manner of dialog I wanted to remind about the reason of my interest, which led me to him, and not to listen to some assumptions, predictions of either a madman, or a genius, or a soothsayer.

The guardian of cyber space pressed his lips together and began to resemble a duck, after a short pause asked a question that apparently was bugging him:

– Are brothers?

My sigh and a glance at the ceiling spoke for themselves. After understanding glances at each other the interlocutor continued:

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